Chapter 12

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*Violet's pov*

I got up early made myself breakfast and made my eomma breakfast too, before I could start eating I am ran back in the bathroom and threw up.

My eomma walked in the bathroom and held my hair back for me.

"It's ok sweetie we will get Wooyoung back"

I got done and walked in the kitchen to eat my breakfast then I got dressed did my hair and everything.

I couldn't stop thinking about Wooyoung I was wondering what my appa what are you doing to him and that made me cry.

I don't want to be alone I don't want to face this alone then I couldn't stop thinking about Yunho he's perfect, handsome and kind, WAIT WHAT AM I THINKING! I slapped my cheek to snap out of this I'm with Wooyoung.

My eomma was already in the car and she's telling me to hurry up and get in the car so we can go talk to Wooyoung's parents.


We arrived at his parents house and I was really nervous I was really afraid to tell them that me and Wooyoung are going to have a baby together but we were also going to talk to them about him being in jail and what my appa is probably doing to him.

I knocked on the door and they both answered the door, my eomma explained everything to them, they were really shocked at first but we came inside their house and we talked more about it, then it got to the part of me being pregnant by Wooyoung.

"Oh my gosh! Your pregnant?" Miss Jung yelled in excitement.

"Yes I'm pregnant" I say

" congratulations" she said

After we talked and everything we all drove together to the police station to file a report.

We finally got there they filed a report and I just snooped around and I was looking for Wooyoung.

"Stop hitting me" I hear it sounded like Wooyoung crying.

I walked towards where I heard him then I saw a door with a window I peaked inside and I saw my appa beating up Wooyoung there was blood everywhere.

I ran back to where my eomma and Wooyoung's were, I literally started crying.

"Sweetie what's wrong?" My eomma asked.

"I saw appa beating up Wooyoung" I say crying

"Where!" Both of Wooyoung's parents said

I didn't say anything I I just pointed at the room.

My eomma went to go get the boss.

She came back with the boss and he barged into the room.

"What the hell do you think you were doing to this poor innocent man! That is not right he shouldn't be treated like this I'm going to have to say that you're fired and you're under arrest" the boss says.

I ran over to Wooyoung, he was very weak and had process all over him.

The boss and One of the other officers picked him up.

"We will help you put him in the car"

We got in the car and I was sitting with Wooyoung I'm really worried about him, he laid his head down in my lap and I was putting my fingers through his hair.

I really want to tell him about the baby but I don't want him to get stressed out even more than he already is and plus he's in a lot of pain.

We finally got to Wooyoung's house, his appa picked him up and carried him inside he put him on his bed and he was just laying there looking like he was dead.

I was right there by his side rubbing his hand messing with his hair and giving him a little pecks on the lips.

" so what did I miss when I was gone" he says

" well you haven't missed anything lately everyone's been kind of not wanting to hang out because they were all worried about you" I said not trying to think about what I did with Yunho.

I got into the bed with him and kissed him on the cheek.

My eomma comes in the room " so I'm guessing you're staying here tonight"

" yeah I'm gonna stay here and take care of him" I say to her

She left the room and went home this was going to be a long night I just know it.

"Jagiya I need to go to the bathroom can you help me then after that can you help me get in to my PJs"

"Yes oppa"

I did everything I did to help him out he was finally in bed and of course he wanted me to sleep with him.

But I couldn't stop thinking about Yunho it's just something about him that I can't stop thinking about him and what happened that one night and I can't believe he went with me to the hospital, it's going to be really hard to hide this from him.

I can't tell him that but I can eventually tell him about the baby he doesn't even know but he deserves to know I don't like hiding things from him but I am going to have to keep this in a little bit longer I just want him to get better first.

"Hey baby" Wooyoung says

"Yes oppa"

"Can you you stay here until I get better"

" of course I can" I said I was literally freaking out I didn't want him to notice that I throw up every morning I really don't want him to find out that way I really want to tell him but I want him to get better first but he deserves to know because it's his baby too.

" are you tired at all Jagiya"

"Yeah I'm really tired, you should get some sleep too you had a long day.

"Good night baby girl, I love you so much" he said and he kissed me

"Good night babe" I kissed him back, we both went to sleep.

It was hard for me to go to sleep I was just putting my fingers through his hair and petting him I was just happy that he was back.

I buried my head in to his neck and went to sleep.

My pirate King (ATEEZ Jung Wooyoung fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang