Chapter 13

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*Violet's pov*

I got up out of bed to go throw up I didn't want to leave Wooyoung for a second because I don't want him to freak out if I wasn't there.

I did what I needed to do in the bathroom I walk out and I see both of his parents sitting in the kitchen.

"Good morning" I say to both of them they smile.

"How is Wooyoung" they both ask

" he's good I just came out here because I needed to go to the bathroom I will go back in his room and take care of him he still can't get up all the way so he needs help I will do that"

" that's good that you are helping him out and besides do you do you tell him about the baby yet" miss Jung asked

"No not yet I'm hoping to tell him soon I just want him to get better first but he deserves to know so I might tell him today" I say leaving the room walking into Wooyoung's room

He was still asleep, he's probably in a lot of pain still so I was hoping to give him medicine if he woke up and I would put ice on his shoulder because he said that it was hurting.

I walk over and kiss him on the forehead, he woke up.

"Good morning baby" He says and kissed me on the cheek.

I helped him go to the bathroom and get a fresh pair of clothes on and I gave him some medicine.

"Oppa are you still in pain?" I asked him

"A little bit it's not as bad as yesterday"

" that's good since you were feeling a little bit better maybe I should tell you something"

"What is it Jagiya?"

"Well I'm...p...pregnant"


"Yeah, your going to be a appa"

"We finally get to be a family that we always wanted" He says making me cry, he gave me a hug.

Miss. Jung gave Wooyoung his breakfast
Than gave me mine we both ate her food and playing around with each other.

"So when did you find out that you was pregnant?" Wooyoung asked

"I find out 2 days ago"

" I thought you were on birth control?" He said questioning me.

"No I wasn't"

He didn't say anything after that he was a little shocked but I could tell that he was happy that he was going to have a kid.

"My eomma says we need to get married because of the baby, but it's OK she doesn't know about us dating, I went to the hospital and everything and everything was fine"

"Oh that's good and I need to go to the bathroom can you help me get there"

I didn't say anything I just nodded and helped him what he needed to do.

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