Chapter 21

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* Violet's pov*

I woke up this morning and Wooyoung was still asleep, he has a day off of work today and that makes me so happy that I get to spend time with him and we can move more stuff to our new house.

Well I wasn't going to be helping that much because I am now 6 months pregnant.

Didn't really have anything planned today just gonna be the same boring day I mean I'm happy Wooyoung is off of work today so I can spend the day with him.

I walked into the kitchen and sat down at the kitchen table.

"Good morning sweet" Wooyoung eomma says

"Good morning" I say back

"Where is Wooyoung?" His appa asks

"He is still asleep" I say

I grabbed a plate and put my breakfast on. It sat down at the kitchen table and started eating and of course I was watching the news.

Turns out, I guess my appa broke out of prison.

That's already stressed me out enough I was afraid that he was going to do something to me or do something to Wooyoung.

I got done eating my breakfast, put my plate in the sink and washed it. I walked back into my room and see a sleepy Wooyoung.

"Good morning sleepyhead" I say to him

He doesn't say anything to me, but he does get up and walks into the bathroom.

He didn't look too good when he woke up he looked like he was sick. I hear coughing and I went to go check it out.

I walked into the bathroom and see Wooyoung sitting on the floor in front of the toilet throwing up. My poor baby is sick. Well it looks like I'm going to have to take care of him.

I walked over to him and rubbed his back and I stayed there until he was done. I feel so bad for him. He's been working a lot and he doesn't take breaks at all. I'm really worried about his health. He needs to take it easy on himself.

He gets up, washes his mouth and washes his hands and walks out of the bathroom and lays back down into bed.

"Aww my poor baby, I will take care of you Oppa" I say

I help him get into bed and put the blankets on him.

Then, I walk out of the bedroom and close the door behind me and walk into the living room and sit down on the couch.

" Violet is Wooyoung ok? His breakfast is getting cold" Wooyoung's eomma asked

"He is not feeling good, he is sick" I say

"You can take care of him right? While we go to work?" Wooyoung's appa asked

"Of course I can... well I can try because it's a little hard because I'm pregnant" I say

Then they left for work, and it was just me and sick Wooyoung.

I walked back into the living room and sat on the couch, rubbing my belly and talking to it. 

"Hey little one your appa is sick and I need to take care of him and I need you to help me by not hurting me and giving me a hard time" I say rubbing my belly

I felt a small kick

I got up and walked in the bedroom to check on Wooyoung, I checked his temperature and it was really really high. He was still asleep, but I feel like he should eat something.

I walked down the hall and into the kitchen. I didn't really know what to cook for him, I will just make him some chicken noodle soup. Hopefully that would make him feel a little bit better and besides he needs it he didn't eat breakfast this morning.

After I got done, making him his suit, I poured it into a bowl and grabbed a spoon and walked in the back into the bedroom.

"Oppa I made you some soup you should try to eat some because you didn't have breakfast this morning" I say to him

"Thanks babe, oh I'm sorry that you have to take care of me, I should be the one taking care of you.' he says. 

"Wooyoung it's OK I'm OK I got you. I will take very good care of you even though that I am pregnant and a little slow I love you and I will always take care of you no matter what, and our baby" I said to him and give him a kiss on the cheek

Then I lay on the bed next to him then he starts to kiss my belly.

I just know that he's going to be the perfect dad to our child and I can't wait.

For the rest of the day, it was pretty chill, just me taking care of  Wooyoung. We just laid on the bed together and I did make him some food and he finally ate something and that's a good sign all day with him and it makes me really happy that I got to take care of him when he's sick.

I just can't wait for our bundle of joy to get here and be a part of the family because they are going to have a happy life good parents and I just can't wait for that.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2023 ⏰

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