Chapter 9

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*Wooyoung's pov*

For a minute I didn't even know where I was I started looking around and it looked like I was in the police station, then I noticed that I was handcuffed arms behind my back.

I was freaking out a little bit but I didn't show it.

I hear Violet's Dad yell across the other room " take his mug shot and when he's done send them into my office so I can have a little word with him"

They took my mug shot I kept looking at the ground and my hair was in my face so I couldn't really see so I kept looking on the ground able to see just the floor.

" here you go officer curious" I hear one of the officers say to violet's Dad.

He sat me down and left the room.

"So Wooyoung do you have any idea why you were here" mr. Kim asks me

"No sir no I don't" I choked

" well you were here because you kept sneaking in my daughters room and you ran off with her"

I didn't say anything.

"Right from the beginning I didn't like you, why would you do something like this are you guys dating?"

"No we are not dating we are just friends" I said to him I just had a lie so he didn't find out that we were dating or together or anything like that because I just didn't want him to hurt me or to hurt Violet.

"I don't believe you" he said getting up and he need me in The crotch.

"GET HIM OUT OF HERE!" He yells out and another officer got me.

He walked me out and he said that I can make a phone call so I decided to call my parents.

I dialed the number and my eomma answered.

"Eomma is that you" I say to her crying my eyes out at this point.

"Yes sweetie it's me, don't worry we will find a way to get you out just hang in there OK" my eomma says in hung up.

Mr. Kim grabbed my arm and yanked me away from the phone area he was literally squeezing my arm he looked at me with a very angry look on his face he threw me in the jail sale but before he did that he kicked me again.

Before he could Close the door I had the handcuffs off and I ran up and jumped on him and yelled "THAT IS A DUMB REASON WHY YOU ARRESTED ME!"

I was trying to pin him down after I did I fucked it I ran out of the police station.

The officers came after me even Mr. Kim did as well.

I kept running all I heard was " if you catch him put him in the isolation room" I heard Mr. Kim say.

Some of the officers went in they are police cars chasing after me the other police officers were running after me.

They finally caught up to me I was getting really tired and I fell and they caught me.

Mr. Kim handcuffed me and I was forced in the car but before I was forced in the car I turned around and kicked him in the crotch and ran but another officer caught me.

I gave up at this point and I felt really weak since Mr. Kim kicked me twice I still feel the pain and it got worse.

They put me in the car and took me back to the police station, I was very weak they had to drag me I couldn't really feel my legs they dragged me inside in the isolation room I was still handcuffed because no one trusted me after what I did.

I didn't fight or anything when they put me in the room I was already really tired.

As soon as I got in the room and as soon as they left I fell asleep.

I was in there for an hour and I took an hour long nap until Mr. Kim came in the room I just laid there looking at him.

"Do you know you can get fired for what you were doing to me you know that right!" I yelled

" I am the head chief so I can't get fired"

I didn't say anything.

"Wooyoung get up now!" He screamed
and I didn't get up, you are so close to me and starts kicking me on the side of my stomach.

I probably have a ton of bruises at this point it hurt so much I was literally trying not to scream because of the pain I was in I literally could not move.

After he got done kicking me a couple more times he grabbed me by the arm and dragged me to the jail sale he took off my handcuffs because he knew that I was weak at this point so he just took them off he threw me in there and I just was laying on the floor in pain.

I miss Violet so much she means so much to me my amazing girlfriend.

I couldn't get my mind off of her I hope she was doing OK knowing her dad is giving her a hard time as well I just wish her the best I wish I can be there with her but I can't it's not my fault that I'm in here it's her dad's fault for hating me for no reason I want to smile again but at this time I can't I just feel like I want to cry.

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