Chapter 5

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* Violet's pov*

After I had all those flashbacks in my head I got up from bed and I called Wooyoung I wasn't having a nightmare or anything I just got a little worried and I wanted to hear my boyfriend's Voice.

So I called him


"Yes" he said in a tired of voice like he just woke up.

" wake up sleepyhead" I say laughing at him.

"You're was the one that called me and I was asleep" he says all mad.



"It's the weekend so chill out"

He doesn't say anything back.

"I love you so much baby"

"Love you too babe. Do you have any plans for today?"

"No I don't"

" OK good because I want to take you somewhere"

That's all that he said and then he hung up. 

I got off the phone with him and that gave me the good time to finally get up and wake up and I walked into the kitchen to see my eomma making breakfast and my appa sitting at the kitchen table reading a newspaper.

I walked into the kitchen and my appa makes me freeze.

"Freeze Violet" my appa says disgustedly looking up over the newspaper and I am me right in the eyes.

"Yes appa"

" Who were you on the phone with"

" my friend"

"It better not be a boy"

"No it wasn't I was just talking to my friend Elle"

"Good because me and your eomma don't want you to hang around those boys again especially Wooyoung"

" why"

" because I caught him sneaking around the house and I am a cop if you sneak that boy in my house again I will make sure he's arrested"

"Ok appa"

I can't believe I lied to them I was really on the phone with Wooyoung! I just hate how my parents are so mean and overprotective to me when it comes to him I'm so happy that they don't know that I'm dating him but I feel a little worried that we might accidentally get caught or something.

My eomma gave me my breakfast and I started eating My appa ate his breakfast already and he was leaving for work.

" Violet just remember that boy comes again I will arrest him"

I didn't see anything I just looked up at him and then looked back down and continued eating I was trying to show that I wasn't scared but deep down I was scared.

My eomma set down next to me at the kitchen table and started eating her breakfast and we started talking.

"Eomma can I talk to you about something"

"Anything sweetie"

"Why appa not like Wooyoung?"

" I don't know he hasn't told me anything but he's just being overprotective he loves you and he just doesn't want you to get hurt"

" I don't get it, Wooyoung has been my friend for a long time and just now he's starting to hate him I don't get it he's my best friend and the other boys, he doesn't give a care about the other boys he just is mad about Wooyoung" I said started crying.

My eomma doesn't say anything to me she gets up and hugs me and she walked me into the living room where she made me sit down on the couch with her and I just cried it all out.

A few minutes later she had to get up and get ready for work and then she finally left I stopped crying and I got ready to go spent the day with Wooyoung.

Few minutes later after I got ready Wooyoung came to pick me up he knocked on the door and I opened it
I invited him in because I was still getting ready I didn't want to tell him what my appa said that he didn't like him and he wanted to arrest him for trying to sneak around the house.

"Almost ready oppa"

I just had to get my shoes on.

"Let me help you babe"

He helped me with my shoes and he typed them and we went to his car and I wonder what surprise he has for me. I kept wondering what it is because he wouldn't tell me.

"Oppa where are we going?"

" I told you it was a surprise I'm going to keep it as a surprise just wait"

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