EXO IM: Tao's Jealousy

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This Chapter is dedicated to: LeslieHuang1995

Right now you were on a date with your beloved Xiumin who was just smiling at you with a majestic smile that may have the power to light up the universe. You sighed as you had too much trouble trying to take your eyes off of him. "Is something wrong?" Xiumin asks and you rapidly shake your head no.

"Are you sure?" He asks to clarify, and you nod once more. You let out a deep exhale as you then grab your drink. He kept smiling as he grabbed his drink "Cheers?" He asked.

You smile widely "Cheers" you say, both clinking your cups together and drinking from them, setting the cup down at the same time. Tao was at a nearby table, he knew you were going to be on a date with Xiumin. Once he found out about the news he felt like he was going to break down.

He watched you two, smiling and clinking your glasses. He tried to push the thoughts away and to stop looking. Tears were starting to fall out of Tao's eyes, and he grabbed the menu and hid his face behind it.

You were having a conversation with Xiumin as Tao decided to stand up and leave. He was going to let out his feelings to you...tonight...when you were alone. "I really love you" You say to Xiumin and he blushes a little "I love you too, and will always protect you" he said to you with a wide smile.

That line then made you start to blush, after a long time at the restaurant where you two were dating. You both decided it was time to go home "I'll pay" Xiumin says. "No, it's ok, I can pay" You say back. "No please, let me" He said, laying one of his hands on top of yours.

His hand touching yours sent some shivers up your back, but you tried your hardest to ignore the feeling. He then took his hand off so he could take out his wallet. He put the money in the checkbook and he stuffed his wallet back in his pocket.

He stands up and he holds his hand out to you, you keep smiling as you grab your purse and then grab his hand. He helps you up and you sling your purse over your shoulder. He keeps holding your hand and keeping you close, and you love the feel of his comfort.

He lets go of your hand and instead wraps his arm around your neck. You were both laughing about something funny on the way to his car. He opened the door for you as you got in, him closing it behind you.

You can't seem to take the smile off your face; he soon gets in the car and starts the engine. He starts driving you to your house, you keep starting random conversations on the way. You both getting some time to know each other more and more.

Once his car got to your driveway, you felt sad that you had to go. You promised Xiumin that you were going to text him soon, and to tell him how you're doing so he can keep his eye out for you. Once he opened the door for you, you stepped out, making sure you took your purse while he closed the car door behind you.

You both waved and air kissed each other until him and his car were out of sight. As you got nearer to your house, you heard some sobbing, gradually getting louder and louder with each step you took. You wandered where it was coming from, once you were about a few inches away from your doorstep, you saw someone.

It was Tao, sitting at your doorstep, his head in his knees that he was hugging up to his chin. He was crying, you frowned and wandered what he was doing here, and how long he was here. "Tao?" You ask, startling him a little as you can see him shake once you spoke.

He looked shocked, his eyes were all red and watery, he wanted to stand, but he just couldn't help but put his face in his knees again and continue his crying. You didn't know what to do, so you did what you thought was right, and grabbed him by his two elbows, your purse kind of sliding off your shoulder, but you didn't care. You opened the door quickly, which took some time, trying your hardest to find the key in your dark purse, in this dark night that it became.

Once you opened up the door, you helped him to lay down on the couch. You couldn't ask what was wrong if he kept crying, you went to the kitchen and got a glass of water and put it on a table in front of him. You then sat on the arm of the couch, trying to calm him.

Patting his back, you started whispering to him "Shh, Shh, it's ok" you tell him kindly. He sat up and you fell onto the empty spot he made that was next to him. You were now rubbing his back instead of patting it, waiting for his tears to come out.

"Would you like to go to the bathroom to wash your face?" You asked him as he started to cool off. He shook his head, so you got out some wipes from your purse instead. You took the wipe and you wiped his cheeks and his chin gently.

He sniffled, and once you finished wiping his face, you stuffed the wipe in his hand and got a kleenex from the same table that was in front of the couch where you put the water. You gave it to him, and he blew into it, you went back to the kitchen and got a plastic bag to use as a trash bag. Once you went back to the living room, you heard more sobbing, but this was gentle sobbing.

You sat back down next to him and put the trash bag between your left leg and Tao's right leg. You hugged him, not knowing what to do, he wrapped his arms around your waist, and he stopped crying. "Tao, may you explain please?" you ask him politely, he let go and so did you.

He sighed "I love you" he mumbled, "I'm sorry, y-y-you what?" You ask him. "I. Love. You" he said, making gestures as he said them. Your eyes widened "B-B-Bu-" You were about to say you were with Xiumin, but he finished your sentence.

"You're with Xiumin" He said, starting to cry again, "But that doesn't explain why you were at my doorstep" you said. "I-i-i w-w-wanted to t-tell y-you my-my f-f-feelings-s, when you got back" he said while crying. "I love you too Tao" you tell him "Y-Y-You do?" He asked, his sobbing kind of calming down a bit, and you nod.

He immediately went back to hugging you, wrapping his arms around your waist again, and you hugged him, putting one of your arms around his top back area. "Love me forever please" Tao said to you, and you kind of giggled a bit "There's no way that i can't" you tell him with a small smirk climbing up your face. But, what were you going to tell Xiumin??

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