EXO IM: Kai Saves The Day

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This Chapter Is Dedicated To: LeslieHuang1995

You were in class writing an essay that you had to finish, suddenly the teacher called you up to her desk "Y/N, I need you to bring this to attendance" she handed you an envelope that was what needed to be given to attendance, and a pass. You nodded and you slipped out the door of the classroom quietly, just so you won't disturb the others in the classroom working on their essays. Once you were fully outside and the door was completely closed, you felt like you could hear something, like a soft smooching.

'Probably just some students skipping' you think to yourself, wanting to completely ignore the kissing sounds, but something in you just forces you to turn. Once you did, you felt your heart shatter, it shattered in tons of pieces, and the pain killed you on the inside, your boyfriend looked at you and his eyes widened. He stopped kissing the girl in front of him and his jaw dropped, Tears came out of your eyes like a fountain, you didn't know what to do.

Before he could say or do anything, you ran, your ran till you could see him no longer, you couldn't belive what you just saw, and you wished it was all a dream. You continue crying, all the way until you got to Attendance, but your weeping still hadn't stopped, you pressed your back against the outside window of the attendance office, sliding yourself all the way down to the floor. You just stayed crying there, with your head down and eyes closed, until you suddenly felt something warm on your shoulder, not knowing who or what it was, you look up and peel your eyes open.

It turned out to be one of the school attendance ladies, she was patting your back, and she helped you get to your feet, but you were still crying. "What's wrong Dear?" She asked worriedly, though you felt like she didn't care and just wanted you to get back to class. You shake your head, still crying, but you gain some energy to hand the envelope over, she takes it, but then she takes your hand and takes you inside of Attendance.

She seats you in front of your assigned counselor that was in her office at the moment, she thanks you for giving the letter to her and she dismisses herself. The counselor sees you and frowns "Would you like some tissues?" The counselor asks, handing you a box of tissues, you take like 2 or 3 of them and cry into all of them at the same time. "I don't know what I can do for you if you don't tell me what's wrong" the counselor said to you, but you couldn't get out that much words, they were all being buried by the sobbing you were making.

"K-K-K-Ka-Ka-Kai" you manage to get out, even though it sounded a bit raspy, she somehow understood "Boyfriend?" She asks and you shake your head rapidly. "Dad?" You were getting annoyed and you shook your head again, "Best friend?" She asks, and this time you nod, if she had gotten it wrong that 3rd time, you didn't know what you would've done. "Does he go here?" She asks and you nod, "Would you like me to send him over?" She asks and you nod once again, she tells attendance, and they call him out of class.

You were still sobbing like crazy, and you felt like your life has just hit an iceberg and was sinking, he soon makes it to attendance, wandering what happened, wearing a confused expression on his face. The counselor explains to him, and he soon comes inside your Counselors office, and he saw you crying, and his expression turned from confusion to a frown. He walks over to you and pats your back nicely. "Y/N are you ok?" He asks you in a very soft voice, you recognized it and immediately opened your arms wide, he knew what that meant and he hugged you.

You squeezed, he might've been suffocating, but you really needed someone right now "Y/N what's wrong" he said in a running-out-of-air way. You finally got the urge to let go, and he felt relieved when you did, though he started panting hardly "Can you please tell me what's wrong?" He asked, still panting a little. "My boyfriend...." You said, about to continue, but you broke out into tears again, Kai started to pat your back again.

"Did he cheat?" Kai asked, on the outside you wanted to squeeze him again for getting it right the first time, but on the inside, you were wandering how he got it right the first time. You just nod, not even having any energy to start a full-on conversation "Y/N, it's ok, you'll soon get over it, and it will be all over, just...don't worry about it" he said. "I l-l-l-loved h-h-hi-hi-m" you stutter, from the fact that you were still crying, he started rubbing your back now "I know, it's going to hurt, and I know it's really painful, but you've got to take it head-on" he tells you.

You didn't want to believe any of it, but you knew what he was saying was true "Listen Y/N, you're really special, and this issue wasn't your fault, it's all his" he explains, but continues. "If you want, we can go and egg his house later" he said with a little encouraging smile, the smile of his that you really loved. "Forget him, because you know what?" He said, but paused for a second "You have me" he added, you couldn't help but just to put a smile on your face.

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