EXO IM: Kris- The Accident

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This Chapter Is Dedicated To: LeslieHuang1995

Ugh, It was finally the first day of spring break, time for you to relax after all that school work, and that big test you just took the other day. You remembered that your boyfriend was coming over later, after his new job that he got last week, because his parents were thinking it was time for him to buy himself his own things. Your phone suddenly buzzed, thankfully it was right beside the couch that you were happily laying on, because you didn't really feel like getting up.

The buzz your phone made turned out to only be a text, a text from your boyfriend that read 'I have a surprise for you during the break'. An evil smirk came upon your face for some reason you didn't know why, probably it was just all the bursting excitement you were holding inside of you. After that, you set your phone down on the table and sighed, deciding to take a nap on the couch, by the time your nap was over, he'd definitely be here.

~ After Your Nap ~

You suddenly hear a knocking at the door, and the the ring of your doorbell, which startled you awake, you almost fell off of the couch, but you tried to act calm as you opened the door. Your heart was beating fast, but you were trying your hardest to ignore the loud Thump sounds your heart was making, hoping whoever it was at the door didn't hear it. At your door it turned out to be your boyfriend "Kris!" You say happily, jumping and giving him a hug.

He chuckles, he wanted to make a dramatic entrance, but he knew that you were going to ruin it, and you already did, but he didn't care anymore. "I need to go in now" he said, as you were still hugging him "Oh...right" you say and giggle, finally letting go of the man and opening the door wider for him. He steps in and takes off his shoes, you soon realize that he had a suitcase with him in his hand "You need to go and pack up" he says to you.

You looked confused "Pack up.....now?" You ask him, and he nods "You were supposed to be ready like...an hour ago, I sent you a text" Kris said, your eyes jolted as you then ran over to your phone. There was an unread message and 3 missed calls, you opened the unread message and it read "Start packing, we're going somewhere special". You opened your mouth wide "I just now read the message!" You say to him, "I can see that, you were supposed to be ready by now, I gave you an hour" he said.

You frowned "I'm sorry, I-I-I-I-I was sleeping" you say, getting nervous and scared "Sleeping?! This was supposed to be something really special, now we're probably going to be late" he said. "10 minutes?" You ask him and he sighs "Hurry up" he growls, you nod rapidly and rush to your room, literally throwing your open luggage on your bed, throwing the things you need the most in your luggage. You were so nervous about where you were going, you put so much stuff, you literally had to sit on your luggage so that you could close it.

Once you were ready, you went back out to Kris "20 Minutes" he said, you sighed, getting annoyed with him "I'm not Quicksilver or something?!" You tell him "You said 10 Minutes" he says. "Ugh!" You growl, "Just forget it!" You say, feeling your face getting hot, it was probably from all the sweat and hard work you had to do in the past 20 minutes. "Let's go to the car now" Kris says, he takes your luggage and his luggage, puts back on his shoes, then walks outside to the car, you go and get your phone and slip it into the purse where you had all your other little stuff you needed, that you could get out quickly.

Kris was acting different lately, but you didn't like it, and you felt like something was up. You went outside to the car, the luggages and everything were already inside, Kris in the driver seat. He honks at you and you roll your eyes, still taking your precious time, he wasn't going to control you, you weren't going to allow him to do that.

You open your car door and step inside, closing it on you once you were fully inside. You looked at him, his face was being covered by his hand. "Kris, tell me what happened, you're usually much happier...and...nicer" you kind of mumble the end, but he heard.

"I know, I-just" he said, hesitating a bit in between, he shook his head and just started the car. You sighed, not knowing what to do, you weren't really excited anymore about Spring Break, if your baby wasn't ok, then you weren't too. You finally got onto the highway, and you heard him starting a conversation, that wasn't too happy of a start.

"I..got......fired" He said, Your eyes jolted "Fired?" You ask him. He slowly nods, he felt like crying "Kris, it's ok, now you at least have a lot more experience with jobs, you learn from your mistakes" You say to him kindly. He took both hands off the steering wheel and covered his face, crying.

Before you were going to comfort him, before you could do anything...BAM! Everything went dark, you felt hurt, you felt broken, you didn't even know if you were still alive. You felt like you were being lifted, you heard the faint sound of sirens, but everything was still black.

~At The Hospital~

Your eyes started to flutter open, you groaned as you tried to sit up, but you couldnt. You saw your right arm and right leg in casts, a headband on your head, and wires on your hand. You look around the room, using your neck for support.

You were kind of dizzy, so you saw the whole room spinning in circles, so you quickly closed your eyes shut again. You sigh and take a few deep breaths, suddenly you hear a nearby door open and close. You opened your eyes again, it turned out to be your room door, and it was Kris who stepped inside.

He was carrying a bouquet of flowers and he handed them to you. You try your hardest to smile, and you use your head to tell him to set it on the table that was right next to you. He got the message and did what you said "Listen, I am so sorry, this is all my fault" he said with a frown.

"No, no, don't, just, stop putting everything on you, not everything is your fault, and accidents happened" you said. "Speaking of which, what happened anyways?" You asked Kris. "I drove the car right into a truck" Kris said, you can see his eyes rapidly getting very wet.

"Kris, if i could hug you, i would right now, i know we argue sometimes, and we can both get kind of aggressive at each other, but i still love you" You say to him. He still couldn't smile "I couldn't have said that better myself" he said. You kept the smile you tried to do before, he slowly walked over to you and managed to find a way to hug you without hurting every bone in your body.

You enjoyed it a lot "I love you so much, you don't even know" Kris said to you, still in the same hugging position. "I think i do" You whisper, him still being able to catch every word. He just gave a smirk, but you couldn't see it from the hug, though you had a feeling that he was smirking right now, and you just smiled as widest as you could go.

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