GOT7 IM: BamBam~ Ball Dance

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This Chapter Is Dedicated To An Amazing Wattpad Writer, She Made An Amazing Book Called GOT7 Imagines, You Guys Should All Check It Out!! :DDDDDD ^.^: Future7Bhuwakul


"Ladies and Gentlemen, please make a big applause for our prince" The ballroom all clapped as the prince started to walk down the castle stairs. He was in a nice Prince outfit, his smiling was making tons of girls swoon. You sighed as you saw the beautiful Prince BamBam walk down the stairs.

Your mind got carried away with thoughts of you and him ever being together. "Hello Visitors, I would like to thank you all for coming, I hope you enjoy this ceremony" BamBam said confidently. Him saying that made you feel like fainting, you were sweating, and getting quite nervous.

The prince is in the same room as you the thought kept repeating inside your head, making you go mentally insane. Suddenly the music that got interrupted because of the Prince's entrance started to continue. You were sitting at one of the dinner tables that were close to the big-spaced ballroom.

You were wearing a beautiful ball gown, you were thinking of not going in the first place because nobody else was going with you. Though you got invited, so you decided to go anyways. As soon as the thought of leaving started to beat the thought of staying, someone unexpected turned up to be right behind you.

You actually turned quickly and was about to bump into him but you stopped yourself, thankfully, before you made a huge disaster. "Oh, I'm sorry, Maybe I was a bit too close" He said as he stepped back a bit more. "N-n-no, it's fine" you say, feeling a bit shocked that he was talking to you.

"No, it's not, Is there anything I can do?" He asked, You shook your head "No, really" you say back. He clicked his tongue and said "Come on, Here, Would you like to dance?" He asked as he bent over a bit and asked for your hand. Your cheeks turned a light pink as your hand slowly crawled into his grasp.

He smiled widely and gently pulled you over to the floor, he put one hand on your left waist, both your right hand and his left hand connected to each other. You both started to waltz across the floor, looking beautiful. You did a study and practiced a lot of waltzing before you came to the ball so you would be prepared, and it came in handy.

At first, you thought you weren't really going to use it. Out of anxiety, you looked down, he looked at you, trying to get you to look up. "Is something wrong?" He asked worriedly, You shook your head "No, It's just, I'm dancing with a prince!" you say to him in a shocked tone, not very loud though.

"Is that bad?" He asked with a nice smirk, and you chuckled and met your eyes with his "No, it's just, I feel special, thank you" you thanked him. "You're welcome, I like you, you're actually the person I've had most fun with this whole night" He admitted. Which turned your pink cheeks to a deep red, you couldn't help it.

"You're very pretty" He said to you and you just glanced at him, still blushing deeply, trying to hold in a big smile. "You're very handsome" you say to him, which made him chuckle and blush a little. You couldn't believe it when you saw that you actually made the prince blush.

You danced for a while, just until the slow song was over. You both let go and he bowed, you both talked so much, and you both started to get comfortable with being next to each other. He actually began to feel like a regular human.

"How about I invite you to dinner later? Would you like to stay over a night at the castle?" He asked you. Your eyes sparkled with gleam "Really?" you asked surprisingly. He nodded with a wide smile "Yes, You can stay here as long as you want to." "Why are you doing all this for me?" you asked him, He shrugged "I don't know, I really like you, You're the only person I've ever felt this close and comfortable with."

He then continued "I want to ask my parents if you can be my beloved" he said. Your heart felt like it completely stopped, you felt frozen, speechless. "You mean like, a wife?" You asked just to clarify and he nodded "Yes" he said with a small laugh and you nodded rapidly.

"That would be amazing" You both started laughing as he then planted a kiss on your lips, which made the whole ballroom stare in awe. His lips were soft, warm, gentle, you couldn't help but to kiss back in response. The spotlight shone on you guys, and you both were the shining star of the night.

Hey guys!! Hope you liked the chapter!! :DDDD ^.^ Hehehe

Love Ya!! :DDDDDD ^.^


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