chapter 5

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the next day our class was going to the green house for a field trip, but all i could think about was what happened yesterday...

mike came up and started talking to me but i wasn't really paying much attention, i was to busy staring at andy. i frowned i just couldn't figure him out something was different about him and im going to find out what it is even if it kills me.

i saw andy frown and look down...

"so what do you say?" dahive asked

"im sorry what?" i asked noting hearing what he was talking about earlier.

"um, i was wondering me and you go to prom you know like together." he said shuddering slightly

"oh, um i can't i have to go out of town that weekend and i can't go another time im so sorry" i said looking down

"oh, ok i guess" he said frowning

"but you should ask kina she really likes you" i added quickly

he looked over at her then back at him giving me a short nod pressing his lips together walking away.

i sighed and began walking to my bus,i got in and sat in the back i put my earbuds in and started listening to my playlist until we reached the green house.

we all piled out and started looking around, everything was green, well it is a green house. some of the boys were messing with worms and the teacher was explaining what this  type of tea was something we dirt i guess.

i continued to walk suddenly andy appears beside me.

"so why are you leaving this next weekend?" he asked

"h-how did you know about that?" i asked looking at him

"you didn't answer my question" he said looking straight ahead"

"well you never answer mine, so i don't really have to answer yours now do i?" i sassed

"fine what to know how i got to you so fast and stopped the van, i had a rush you can google it its very common for people to have those, now answer my question?" he said with a smirk

all i wanted to do was smack it off of his amazing face. instead of telling him the truth i just made something up i don't believe his story.

"my mom, that's were im going next weekend" i said bouncing a little

then i slipped on a puddle but andy caught me before i fell.

"can you at least watch were your going?" he growled at me

i frowned and snatched my arm away from him with a huff and began to walk away.

he caught up with me.

"hey im sorry it's just" he sighed " i don't think we should be friends"

"and who said i wanted to be your friend" i snapped at him

he looked a little hurt but quickly covered it up.

"well, i just thought you did. i still dont think we should talk or hang out with each other. it's for the best" he said by this time we were outside standing beside his bus.

Lauren skipped up.

"hey ashley are you joining us?" before i could answer andy cut in

"no we're full" he hit the door and it opened.

i frowned and walked towards my bus, i decided to go home early today i usually dont ditch but i needed to get away.

i sighed and laied down staring at the ceiling. i have got to figure out andy if i dont it will be the death of me.....

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