Chapter 6

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I didn't get much sleep after I came to the realization that Andy and probably his whole family were vampires.

Oddly I wasn't as afraid as I thought the more I started to think about it the more comfortable I was with the fact that is could be possible. I just don't know how I'm going to confront h about it or maybe I should wait and see how this plays out.

Eventually I did hey some sleep but only about 30 minutes before my alarm went off. Charlie asked if I wanted to stay home today I was so.....SO tempted to say yes but I wanted to watch Andy study him of you will.

Does that make me sound like some kind of creepy stalker or something?

Well i need to figure things out... And I don't want to sound crazy if I'm go ask him and I'm wrong. And I don't want him to kill me if I'm right.... So staying in the back ground and watching seems like my best opition.
<><><><?<<><><><<<at school <><><<<>><??<????!!><>><>
Once at school I felt like i was Being watched, I turned around and saw Andy leaning against his car watching me. My Breath hitched and Made a bee line to the schools door. It wasn't that I was afraid it was just I didn't know how to handle this situation.

The day seemed to drag on, I needed little fresh air so after lunch I put my book bag In my locker and went for  walk in the woods.

The deeper I got the more freaked out I got. At one point I thought I saw a girl but I wasn't sure. Soon I was tackled from behind I don't have time to turn around before I felt the weight of what ever it was being pulled off me.

I had my eyes closed and all I could do was listen and feel, soon I felt like I was flying I slowly opened my eyes only to see Andy looking forward running up a hill.....

We didn't say anything.....

We didn't move....

We just sat there.....   

We just sat there on a rock looking out at the water not saying anything it wasn't Awkward it was more of trying to find the right words to say.....but not in an awkward way does that make sense?

Eventually, Andy moved closer to me sliding his pinky under mine hooking them together I looked up to see him biting his lip I smiled and him and he smiled back,

In that moment everything was perfect and everything made sense in the world.

In that moment I knew all I will ever want and need was Andy and All the Mysteries and secrets that came with him.

_ hey my lovelies!!! Sorry I haven't updated and sorry it's short but I'm here to try and make it up to you so yea here it is now love me...,no....yea.....maybe? Ok get back to me on that but for now enjoy!!!
Bye I love you bunches!!!!!!_ 

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