chapter 14

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Andy was on edge as he picked me up and ran to his car basically throwing my in, he was moving too fast for me to even react by the time he slowed down i was buckled and he was driving down the road to my house.

"wait what's going on?" i asked forcing myself not to stutter.

Andy just shook his head pressing on the gas, he was visibly shaking and by the look on his face it wasn't out of fear. i wanted to say something but then again i didn't, we were silent not saying a word until we were in my drive way.

"your dads asleep go in and pack some clothes I'll be in to help you in a minute" he said before giving me a hard kiss and getting out of the car.

i didn't question least not yet.... i ran inside and began to pack my things i felt a gust of wind and Andy was beside me helping. i sighed stopping looking down, then i felt Andy's arms wrap around me.

"it's going to be OK I'll fix this i promise" he said kissing the top of my head i didn't say anything i only nodded not really feeling like talking because i knew i would start crying. "I'm not going to let anyone hurt you"

when we had everything i would need packed up, Andy carried me and my bags to the car.


i don't know when i fell asleep but i didn't when i woke up i was in a cabin. it was a nice one but all the same it was a cabin i looked outside to see it was snowing, so im going to assume im not in forks anymore. i see that i was changed into leggings and a sweater.

i got up and walked out into the hall way, i didn't see anyone till i made it downstairs. Lauren and cc were sitting on the couch talking, i cleared my throat so they would know im here.

"hey Ashley you finally came down" Lauren said standing up. "and Ashley i knew you were up like ten minutes ago"

i nodded looking around for anyone else frowning when i didn't.

"Andy is tracking down Justin. he knew you would be safe with us so yea are you hungry?" cc asked walking to the kitchen.

we ate in mostly silence all that could be heard was the sound of our forks scraping the plate. they went upstairs after we ate and i just stayed down stairs.


i dozed off on the couch and was woken up when i thought i heard something outside, me being the person i am i looked out the window but didn't see anything.

i opened the door and decided to go looking, i closed the door behind me and started walking. i still only had a sweater and leggings on so i got cold real fast. when i turned around i couldn't see the cabin anymore, so i turned to head back only to realize i didn't know the way back...

"well. well. well hello Ashley"

i whipped around only to be pushed up against a tree and come face to face with Justin, i grabbed a handful of snow that had build up beside the tree and threw it in Justin's face. while he was distracted(which wasn't for long) i ran, he caught up to me within seconds.

he grabbed my by the back of my sweater and threw my back, i hit my head on the tree already starting to lose touch with the world. i heard snow crunching under his boots when he came to a stop, he got down beside me rubbing my face with his knuckles before pressing his other hand down breaking my kneecap.

i let out a scream but soon regretted it when he started to scratching down my leg but it soon ended, i tried to look around and see why but i was slowly falling under. i was being picked up but then dropped again, i tried again to open my eyes when i did i saw Andy and Justin.

then that a lot of the snow around me and in a few other spots were red covered in my blood, soon jinxx, Lauren, and sammi were around me trying to talk to my but i couldn't hear them over the pounding in my ear.

"Ashley..Ashley Ashley!" was the last thing i heard.

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