chapter 11

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Dinner with my dad and Andy in the same room was not what i was expecting.... my dad didn't pull out a gun and that is alright by me. every now and then he would ask Andy questions and Andy would answer them without hesitation, sometimes charlie would glare but then i gave him a look and he would stop.

"so Andy what are you going to do after school?" charlie asked

Andy looked him in the eye and gave an answer that was going to send us both to our graves..

"well, after high school im going to college and studying a few things to leave me options. i have a cousin who wants me to work for her so I'll be working while in school and then i would like Ashley to move in with me so we can start our lives together....."

and that is pretty much where all hell broke lose and i was sent to my room and Andy was kicked out. i tried to talk to charlie but that wasn't working, he just said he has a headache and that we would talk tomorrow. so maybe in the end it did kinda turn out the way i thought it would..


i groaned when i heard someone tap on my window, i looked out to see Andy. i looked at the clock to see that it was just little after 12, i got up and walked to the window crossing my arms.

"Ashley let me in.." Andy said with a confused look on his face.

"why should i? you basically told my dad we are getting married!!" i whisper yelled

"well i was hoping everything between us would work out and we do get married" he said looking down

i then kinda felt bad for getting worked up but i was also rather giddy that he saw a future with me. so me being the person i am i sighed and let him in, i walked away and left him to close the window.

"I'm sorry if i messed up dinner that wasn't my intention" he said kissing my hand hoping it would make things better for him. Ha i don't give in that easy.

but then he kissed my neck and cheeks, and finally my lips it was deep and passionate and everything i wanted. so that's when i gave in and forgave him not because he kissed me or anything.....

we just laid in bed talking stopping every now and then to make-out, Andy is really an amazing guy how did i get so lucky to have some one like him. i guess i was spacing out because Andy cleared him throat, i shook my head a little to get out of the trance and looked at him confused.

"what's wrong?" i asked when i saw he was frowning.

"i can't read your mind and that bothers me,what are you thinking about?" he asked like a little kid wanting to know how things happen and where they come from.

i smiled and just shook my head he pouted a little but i kissed him making his pout go away.

"i love you Ashley.." he whispered against my lips.

i gasped and felt tears come to my eye's i jump on top of him and gave him the tightest hug i could muster.

"i love you too Andy i love you too"

i was so happy in this moment or just being with Andy in general nothing could ruin this. it was just me and him forever and always.


Twilight(Andley)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora