chapter 2

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i woke up early the next morning, and started to get ready. i notice that my dad was already gone so i was in the house by myself.

not that i have a problem with that, it's ok. i went and took a shower and fixed me something to eat. i waited a few more minutes before grabbing my stuff and heading to school.

i tried my hardest not to get notice but as always luck isn't on my side. all the other cars are shiny and new while mine isn't, i parked my car and hoped out.

"nice ride" some guys said who had the parking space in front of me.

"thanks" i mumbled

i kept my head down and walked into the building, i could feel everyone staring at me. i hate it when people stare at me, i continued to walk until i was stopped by someone.

"hey your the new guy ashley right? or are you a girl" he asked unsure

"im a guy and yea i'm ashley" i said about to walk passed him

"wait! hi my names jay, can i take your picture for the paper? front page" he asked

"NO!" i said a little to loudly "i mean no i don't want to draw attention to myself." 

"ok, well i'll see you around alright? and if you need anything...anything at all just find me and i'll help. do you need me to show you around?" he asked stepping closer

"no thanks and thank you i will keep that in mind i might need your help soon" i said

he smiled and nodded, i returned in and walked away. 


i walk in to the locker room at gym and changed, god i hate gym and it's like the middle of the school year. and on top of all that they are playing volleyball... i suck at volleyball....just sports in general really.

everything and everyone was going to fast. no matter how hard i tried i couldn't do it right, i almost got hit with a ball four times.

i sighed and turned around, why did they have to make me play.

"HEY, LOOK OUT!!" i turned around and i saw the ball coming my way, i squealed and hit the ball over to the girls side i ended up hitting a girl in the back of the head.

"i am so sorry, i rally suck at this i told them not to let me play" i rambled

"no it's ok, hey your the new kid right?" she asked 

"yea, my names ashley" i said shaking her hand

"well, my names kina" she said with a smile soon a guy walked up to use

"hey kina i see you have met ashley, oh and my names dahive by the way" he said holding out his hand.

i shook it, but he held on for a little longer the he should have. i looked up at him and he smirked i blushed and looked away taking my hand away. i looked at jessica she had a slight frown, she was looking at dahive who was staring at me. 

"so your from California right?" kina asked

 "yea aren't you a little pale for some one who is from there" mike asked (in this story ashley is a little pale, not too much but a good bit)

 "yea i think that is why they kicked me out..." i mumbled

they both busted out laughing, i just blushed

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