Chapter 9

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It's been a week since my friends found out about me and Andy,and it's been a week since mike started avoiding me.

No matter how hard I tried to talk to him he would always be 'busy' or  something. I feel really bad even though I know I did nothing wrong, I just feel like i don't even know.

Right now I'm at home I would be with Andy right now but he had some stuff to do, and he wants me to tell Charlie about us.

So that is why I'm in the family room waiting for my dad to get home. I heard the front door open and shut,indicating that Charlie is home.

I slowly stood up and walked to the kitchen, I saw him take off his jacket and look around for food.

"Hey dad....can we talk ?" I asked biting my bottom lip.

I swear I'm biting my lip so hard I started to taste blood,my heart felt like it would come up my throat any minute.

"Yea sure ash what's up?" He asked sitting down,giving me his full attention.

"Ummmmm, I just wanted you to know....umm....that....I-I h-have a b-b-boyfriend" I stuttered out.

He looked at me for a few minutes before setting his gun on the table. He took a deep breath,looking between me and the gun and the door.

"And who might this 'boyfriend' be?" He asked calmly

"A-Andy" I whispered

"Biersack?" He asked

I nodded meekly, I wish he was hear now.

He nodded and sat back in his chair, he looked around then back at me.

"If he hurts don't want to know what I'll do" he said standing up.

I let out a sigh in relief, he took it quite well and for that I'm glad. I don't know what I'd do if he didn't take that well.

"So....when am I going to meet this Andy?" He asked starting to clean his gun.

"Ummmm....I can ask him to come over tomorrow? If that's ok" I said

"Yeah, that will be great! Would you like me to order and bring it home or you cook?" He asked nodding

"I'll cook.....and dad please be nice when you meet him" I begged

He rolled his eyes and made a halo around his head wit  his finger, I chuckled and told him night and went up stairs.

I started writing the things I would need to get from the store for dinner tomorrow, after that I texted my mom ad told her everything.

Once that was done I texted Andy.

Ashley:Hey would you like to come over tomorrow to meet my dad and have dinner?

Once I sent the message I went to the bathroom and took a shower, I only took a 30minute shower because I was really tired.

Once I got out I put on a pair of sweats and one of Andy's shirts he brought me the day before.

I checked my phone to see a new message from Andy.

Andy:yea sure that'll be great,do you want help making dinner?

Ashley:yeah that would be great.

Andy:alright I'll talk to you tomorrow get some rest my love.

After we said our good nights I plugged up my phone and laid down. As soon as my head hit the pillow I was out like......something that goes out quickly......yeah like that!

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