chapter 4

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It was the end of the day and i was standing beside my car.

I kept looking over to were andy was he looking like he was in deep thought,he had a small frown on his face.

I wanted to go talk to him but i knew i wouldnt get any answers out of him he is to stubborn.

I was to busy staring at Andy to notice a van coming towards me at full speed.

As I just stood there looking at it a its coming towards me , all of a sudden I was pushed down. I looked up just as Andy pushed his hand in the way of the van and stopped it. He slowly turned towards me and as people started making their way towards the scene Andy jumped over the car and ran away.

"Hey Ashley are you alright?"

"Its OK guys I'm on hold with 911"

"What happen?"

Those are some o the things I kept hearing and Tyler saying he was sorry and that he tried to stop but he lost control.


I was sitting in the hospital getting a check up, the nurse look like she didn't want to be here.

Tyler was on the bed next to me and every two minutes he would apologize and I would say it was OK and that I'm fine.

My dad busted through the door bombarding me with all these questions.

He turned towards tyler.

"And you can kiss your license's goodbye!" He said

"Dad I'm fine" I said shaking my head

"You could have been killed" he said frowning

"Yea but I wasn't" I shot back.

He was about to say something else when a man walked in he had pale skin and brown eyes, he was short maybe only a few inches taller then me.

"Don't worry I got this one" he said to the nurse with a kind smile.

"Ah hello Charlie,good to see you" the man said to my father.

"Good to see you to jeremy" my dad said with a nod

"I told you, you can call me jinxx Jeremy Its to formal" the man named jinxx said.

My dad laughed and shook his head.

"And this must be the amazing Ashley I have heard so much about!" He said with a smile.

I nodded.

After a few words with my dad he took a look at me


"Well too news nothing to serious worst thing is you might have headaches every now and then. You are very lucky Mr.purdy" he said pointing his pointing his pen at me smirking

"Yea if it weren't for Andy I really would have been hurt. He saved me." I said pulling down my sleeves.

"Andy? Your boy?" My dad asked jinxx

"Yes he is that was very brave of him" he said but it sounded as if it was nothing new to him.

"Wait your his dad?" I asked

"Yes I adopted him as at young age" he said smiling.

I nodded.

Jinxx told me to get plenty of rest an take pain medication if needed.


As we began walking out my dad told me he called my mom.

"What?!?" I said

"What? She is your mother I'm sure she would want to know her only child got hurt." He said holding his hands up.

" ugh!! I better call her she is probably freaking out" I groaned taking out my phone .

" this is your mother we are talking about we KNOW she is freaking out" my dad said walking away.

I was about to call my mom when I heard people talking around the corner.

I looked to see who it was, I was shocked to see it was andy. He was talking to jinx and a blond girl I think her name is Juliet.

They all turn towards me jinxx looked sad,Juliet looked like she wanted to kill me and andy........ Well I didn't know I couldn't read his face.

He looked at jinxx an nodded before walking over to me, he stopped in front of me and looked around.

"What?" He asked he sounded annoyed

"How did you do it?" I asked when I found my voice.

"Did what?" He asked looking confused.

" how the hell did you stop the van how did you get to me so fast?" I asked getting annoyed myself because he was playing dumb.

"What?! Ashley I was standing right beside you" he said smiling.

"No you weren't you were on the other side of the parking lot. I saw you and you pushed the van away from me with your hand!" I whisper-yelled

He looked around again then looked back at me with black eyes.

"Say what you want no one will believe you." He said in a low voice.

"I didn't say I was going to tell anyone." I whispered softly " I just want the truth."

"Your not going to give up are you?"he asked

" nuh uh" I said shaking my head

"Well I hope you like being disappointed" an with that he walked away.

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