chapter 13

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It  was a few days after meeting Andy's family and me and Lauren have been texting none stop, and if i did't respond in a two minute time span then she would spam me. I was about to text andy when there was a knock at the door, i knew it wasn't andy because he only knocks at the door when charlies home. i looked out the peep hole and saw a girl with bangs that stopped at her eyebrows and shoulder length dark drown hair. she was very beautiful it was unnatural so im going tot assume she is a vampire. i opened the door to get a better look and to ask what she needed.

when the door open she tackled me to the ground, i gasped at the pain that began to grow in my left arm. i tried to push her off but that didn't really do much but make her laugh, while she was laughing i manged to wiggle way and run upstairs. i picked up my phone to call andy only to realize he was already climbing through my window running past me and running down the stairs.

if i was anyone else it would have just been a blur but i knew it was andy, i looked at my phone to see Lauren had texted me eleven minutes ago. i heard a car screech outside and saw all of Andy's family there, i walked downstairs to see what was going on.

Lauren had a hold on the girl that attacked me while Ronnie and cc were trying to hold andy back, jinxx came over to me and took a look at my arm before tell sammi to go get his doctor bag out of his car. he said he would have to reset my arm he tried to do it when i wasn't paying attention but it didn't happen that way. he wrapped my arm up and told me to take it easy for the next few weeks.

at some point the girl escaped and andy ran after her he came back later saying she cross territories and he couldn't catch her. he came and took a look at me and frown, he hugged me making sure to avoid my hurt arm. i have never experience something so scary in my life i never want to happen or to see that girl again.

but with my luck that was mot going to happen.......

for the last few weeks that is all i saw she would pop up places and just stare at me. the first time i saw her after the incident was at the store i was picking up a few things and she walked in. she looked around like she was looking for something then she locked eyes with me making her way towards me. if jake didn't show up i don't know what would have happened, when she saw jake come in she made a face and ran off.

i told andy and eve since i was not allowed to be alone, even when it looked like i was i wasn't. they made  plan to guarding the house, while andy would be inside with me there was someone else patrolling the house. sometimes Lauren would stay over and we would say it was a sleepover and sometimes i would go over to there house and sleep over.

even though there where people looking over me i could still see her watching me, every time she is in sight of one of Andy's family members they would chase after her but she would end up getting away.


its been seven weeks since i broke my arm and i can finally move it, jinxx took off the cast and told me to still take it easy for a few days. but even as he gave that advice he still asked me to join his family in a game of baseball. 

we got to the field where they usually play and started the game andy even let me wear his lucky hat in which apparently he never lets anyone touch it. we were all having fun until cc turn towards the woods and yelled for everyone to stop. they listened before everyone ran towards me and andy, andy gave me his jacket from the car and told me to cover up as much as possible.

we looked up to see three people standing about fifty feet away from us holding one of the baseballs.

"mind if we play?" the blond one asked she had a slim figure but all that attitude made her fat headed.

there was one guy out of their little group he was looking at everyone he looked at me then moved on not giving me a second glance, he hand his arm around someone and that someone just had to be the girl that is trying to kill me. we locked eyes and she had a huge grin on her face she whispered something into the guys ear and he looked at me and frowned.

"i'm Taylor this is Justin and that is Selena" the blonde one said

whatever she said made everyone else growl at her, a gust of wind came and made my hair come out from under the jacket. the three vampires took a whiff and growled ready to ponce on me, everyone got in front of me.

they knew they where out numbered so they backed down but Selena still had a scary smirk on her face while Justin was debating on attacking anyway..

"OK i see that the game is over maybe another time? come on guys lets go" Juliet said walking away.

Selena followed tugging on Justin's jacket getting him to take his eyes off me and walk away with Selena. she turned round and gave me one last smile before they ran away.

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