chapter 1

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I took a deep breath and sighed, i'm going to miss the warm sandy beaches. now that i think about it i'm going to miss everything my friends, my mom even her new boyfriend.

i told my mom i would go and live with my dad for awhile so here and Phil could find a place and not have to worry about me till they have everything sorted out.

i looked at the jar in my hand, i filled it half way with sand and put some sea shells in it. get as a reminder of home.

"Ashley. honey are you sure about this? you can always come with us" my mom asked

"yea mom i'm sure plus it will be good to see dad i'll be alright" i said looking down

"come on guys i love you both but we need to get going" Phil said

she didn't say anything and kissed my on my head. i took one more look at our house and the beach, good bye California.

 i made my way to the car and got in the back, the car started and we were off. i looked out the window watching all the trees and buildings go by.

i have a feeling like I'm making a mistake but I'm not going to take back what i said about staying with him for a while.

it's just going to be so awkward. i haven't talked to him in a while, so i don't know how he's doing. think positive, this could turn out to be a good thing you can make new friends...maybe.

i sighed as i saw the airport came into sight, my mom and Phil walked with me all the way to the gate.

"Honey if you ever want to come back you just call me ok and i'll come get you" my mom fussed

"alright mom, i'll call you every day. Phil take care of my mom don't let her do anything stupid" i said with a smirk.

my mom gasped and Phil just laughed nodding his head, they both gave me a hug and waved me good bye as i got on the plane.

it took about 3 hours and 24 minutes it was an all round flight so it didn't stop. it was awful there was a kid behind me who just wouldn't stop.

he kicked my seat, kept singing the wheels on the bus and twinkle twinkle little star. and when he finally fell asleep we were at the airport.

i got off the plane grabbed all my bags and waited for my dad to arrive. i waited for about 10 minutes before i saw him.

i walked over and tapped him on the shoulder.

"hey kiddo look at you, you have grown so much" my dad said giving me a hug.

"well yea i guess" i mumbled

i didn't know what to say, i haven't seen him in a while and i don't know whether to call him Charlie or dad.

 we headed towards his car, soon i found out i was the cop car. i groaned mentally well what a great way to start off my first hour here driving in a police car.

it took us an hour and 30 minutes to get to forks. and let me tell you it was the most uncomfortable hour and 30 minutes of my life!!

he wouldn't even turn on the radio and my iPod was in my bag in the back. we didn't talk every now and then we would glance at each other.

FINALLY we arrived at his house. he helped me carry my bags in, he lead me to my old room and sat my stuff down on the bed.

"well, here you go i hope you like the bed covering black and red is OK with you right?" he asked

"yea it's fine" i mumbled looking around

"well i cleared a shelf off for you in the bathroom so you can put your stuff there" he said

"oh yea that's right one bathroom" i said setting my book bag down.

"well, i'll let you settle in I'm going to go back to work i'll see you later tonight, you ok with being alone?" he asked stopping at the door.

"yea it's cool, i can even cook dinner" i said

"that's alright i'll bring a pizza back for us, if that's OK with you?"

"yea that's fine" i said starting to unpack

"all right i'll see you later kiddo" he said walking out

i went to say thank you but he was already gone, this will take a while getting use to. i sighed and started putting my stuff away.

the closet looked small but was bigger on the inside, i put my clothes up and the suite cases in the closet.

i put all my shampoos and stuff in the bathroom, my laptop, phone, and iPod on the little desk. once everything was in it's right full place i sat on the bed.

i looked at the little night stand that was beside it, i placed my jar of sand and sea shells there. i haven't even been here a whole day and i already want to go home.

come on Ashley give it a chance you might like it here, plus your mom and Phil need some alone time.

what really sucks is i just got here and i have to go to school tomorrow. i want to stay home tomorrow but then again i don't.

i heard someone come in, i got up to see who it was.

"dad i thought you weren't suppose to be home till later" i said

"yea they let my off early since you just got here" he said taking off his jacket. "anyway i got you a present think of it as your welcome home gift" he said

i followed him outside, i gasped at what i saw it was a black truck. it was a little beat up and dirty but that's OK with me.

"this is your gift, do you like it?" he asked

"yea i love it when did you get it?" i asked not taking my eye's off the car.

"just bought it off billy here" he said pointing to a guy in a wheel chair.

"oh, hi billy hows it going looking good" i said smiling

"feeling good, good enough to take you old man" he teased

"oh, yea it's on" my dad said

then they both started play fighting, then a guy came out from behind the car. i'm not going to lie he was very good looking then it hit me it was Jake.

"hey Ashley, remember me we use to make mud pie together when we were little" he said

"yea i remember, wow your have grown" i said looking him over

"yea you have to, nice outfit" he said smirking

i rolled my eyes and smiled. i was wearing black skinny jeans with two belts and a shirt that said      ' it's not called being gay it's called being fabulous' with a hello kitty hoodie.

if you haven't figured it out yet spoiler alert  i'm gay! SHOCKER!!!

"so come on i tell you about the car" Jake said

i opened the door and ended up hitting him in the head. "oh sorry" i said hopping in.

"OK have to clutch this and turn that and some times you have to this button to make the heat work." he explained

"OK, so you want a ride to school tomorrow" i asked

"um, i don't got to a public school remember" he said

"oh yea right, that' bad it would have been nice to know at least one person there" i said looking down.

_hey guys well this is the first chapter to my new story please read!!! and i just realized That i made Jake Pitts play the werewolff and the werewolf in he movie is named Jacob but goes by Jake how ironic!!!! tell me what you think and i'm going to start updating certain stories on certain days. so if you have any ideas on that let me know thank you all love you and i will see you all next time bbbyyyeeee!!!!_  

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