chapter 10

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when i woke up it was grey out,which doesn't really make a difference since it's always grey. i laid down for a few more minutes thinking about life and what not, once i got up i grabbed my phone to see what time it was. it was 7:30am pretty early for me since it's the weekend, i also notice i had two messages one from charlie and the other from Andy. i checked charlies first his just said he had to go to work early and that he should be home around 7. Andy's told me good morning hoping i had a good nights rest and that he would be over around 9:00am.

i texted them both back and went to go take a shower, i gathered my clothes up and everything i needed and headed to the bathroom. i turned on the water and waited for it to get the right temperature and hoped in,i started washing my hair first. i used my favorite chocolate scented shampoo,once i had washed it i began to wash my body with my favorite strawberry body wash. what i have different kinds of favorites OK! after i was done i got out and dried myself off, since i loved the way i smelled at the moment i decided to use non-scented lotion to not mess with how i smelled.

once that was done i got dressed i put on clothes i didn't really care about because i was going to clean around the house a little bit. i grabbed my phone and earbuds and headed for the living room, i checked the time again it was 8:18. the living room was not so bad but it could look better, i picked up all the beer cans and plates and even vacuumed. then i moved on to the rest of the house ever thing else was pretty good so i did the little bite of dishes there were and i was done. when i had put the last dish up there was a knock at the door, i dried my hands off and went to answer it.

when i opened the door i was actually quite surprised at who was standing there,it was dahive.

"hey dahive, what are you doing here? please come in" i said moving aside so he could come in.

"ummmm,i just kinda wanted to talk to you..." he said trailing off.

"oh! OK have a seat what would you like to talk about?" i asked sitting on the chair next to the couch that he sat on. 

"i wanted to talk about you and Andy. i mean i don't get it" he said looking down confused

"mike your a good friend and i care a lot about you but me and Andy aren't really any of your business" i said trying to stay calm why does he care so much?

"i know i just-maybe i should go" he said getting up and walking to the door. i followed behind trying to think of something to say.

"dahive,i know your upset that nothing happened between us. but you need to understand that no matter what i will still care for you, your an amazing person. please don't be mad at me, i don't want to lose you as a friend." i said looking into his eyes i think he was finally getting that i was going to stay with Andy and that he should move on.

he nodded and gave me a hug, he went to open the door and there standing ready to knock was Andy. they looked at each other before dahive pushed past him and left, Andy turn towards me raising a brow i just shrugged as he walked in.

we spent the next few hours talking and laughing,i asked him a few question about what he was and things like that and he answered all of them to the best of his ability.i looked at the clock it was 5pm, we went to the store and picked up everything we needed for dinner even some cookies for after. when we got back we only had about an hour and 20 minutes to make dinner and be ready for my dad. with Andy's help everything went a little faster, Andy's food i made raw so he could at least try and eat it. when he saw this he told me he can eat human food he just can't really taste it, well you learn something new everyday i guess. 

i went upstairs and got changed into something nice, when i went down stairs again Andy was dressed in black skinny jeans a white button up and a black blazer. he was about to walk out of the house, he told me he would come back a few minutes after my dad got here. he gave me a kiss and left before i could say anything. now all i have to do is sit and wait for my dad to get here before the night begins. i just hope he will like Andy, i also hope we all make it through the night but beggers can't be choosers ya know. This is going to be a very interesting dinner don't you think? 

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