chapter 27

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chapter 27

Niall pov

Its the last night us lads are here we all met up at a restaurant for dinner and drinks.

Rosie" so what did we get up to today?" She asked looking around to everyone I looked to Renay who was sitting next to me at the end of the table with her head in with her other hand mixing her water with her straw she smiled to me once she noticed I was looking at her. All we had really done today was spend time at the beach with Renay's family, me and Elise caught all the waves in on boogie boards it was real fun.

Everyone answered Rosie's question

"You guys can't leave" Renay whined "coz then we have to go back to school" she said I laughed

Louis"Don't you only have a few weeks till your term finishes"

Rosie"nope the year"

Renay"thank god"

Zayn"what's wrong with school"

Renay"I dunno I just hate it"

Rosie"you can't just hate school for no reason" she said moving her hands like Renay was stupid

Renay"well I do" okay now there was tension

"I do want you to go" Renay whispered in my ear resting her head on my shoulder I kissed her head "lets go for a walk" she said standing up grabbing my hand I got up and we walked out of the restaurant.

We walked down to the beach we took off our shoes walking along the shore line.

"I'm gonna miss you" Renay said as we walked with our hand interlocked

"Me too" I said we stopped walking. Leaning in to each other. We kissed for what felt like hours the kiss was so deep and passionate I had my free hand up on Renay's cheek, as she had hers in my hair , the kiss ended and left me lingering for more I smiled

"Well I'm definitely going to miss that" I said Renay laughed

"Me too"

We continued walking down along the beach with our hands swinging together "Rosie has really got on my nerves lately"

"Yeah I noticed" I said "it got a little intense when you guys were talking about school"

"I know" I i said dragging out the O "I have a feeling that we will start school and she's just gonna go mad"

"What makes you say that?"

"She fails most of we classes and wonders why when she goes and parties, sleeping with random guys"

"I cant see her doing that" I said she seems like a really nice girl

"That's coz you haven't seen her drunk"Renay said "she hasn't done it lately because she snuck out an her dad caught her" Renay laughed

"Have you snuck out before?" I asked, Renay looked to me and laughed "you have haven't you" she nodded "you rebel" I laughed at her "She won't do that with Harry will she"

"Na probably not since what has happened with them I mean look at them they are cute" she said pointing to Rosie running with Harry behind her obviously chasing her we stopped walking just watching them

"Come in... With me" I said dropping my shoes takin my shirt off Rosie looked to the water "you have your bathers on c'mon it's fun"

Rosie's pov

"Come in... With me" Niall said dropping his shoes then took off his shirt off, oh my god his body I swear could just make me die "you have your bathers on c'mon it's fun" I looked down to my bikini shirt I don't know why but I always wore my bathers even when I didn't go into the beach "come on you have me"

"I I dunno Niall"

He started pulling off my dress I put my arms up and he took it off me.

Rosie's pov

Harry chased me to the water since I spilt his drink on him and he tried doing it back as I ran, I threw my clutch on the sand and stripped out of my dress running into the water with my bikini on, we were splashing around and stuff I noticed Renay and Niall were in a walk aww how cute me and Harry continued splashing each other then he picked me up and threw me in completely I got up and looked to see Niall taking Renay's dress of

"Oh my god look" i said to harry pointing to them I run to my clutch texting Renay's mum

To Mary from Rosie

'Look over to the beach it's Renay! :)'

"I can't believe this" I said to Harry

Mary pov

I read my text from Rosie and ran to Renay's room looking over to the beach on her deck I saw her and Niall. Niall was guiding Renay into the water "oh my god guys come look" I yelled to the rest of the house hold they all ran up.

Alexa"oh my god! Is she really going in?"

Pete"very slowly"

I put my hand over my mouth with tears slowly coming down my face I was so happy. Renay hadn't been in the water at all since her injury she would only ever put her feet in as she walked along the shore line. The water was slowly preaching her knees I couldn't be more proud of her

Alexa"Niall is a real sweet guy"

Me"he made my baby get back in the water"

Alexa"oh my god I have to take a photo of this" she said pulling out her phone taking photos

Elise"can we sneek down there"

Alexa"yeah so I can get a better photo"

Pete"okay let's go" we all ran out of the house not bothering to put shoes on we waited by the restaurant going up on to its deck Alexa took so many photos every step Renay took Alexa took a photo of.

Renay's pov

Niall took my hand and kept stepping back into the water I kept my feet still "Renay you can trust me" he said I looked behind to the water them to him then down to where the water was sitting on him it was like on his shins "I don't think I can go in"

"Take a step"he said I shook my head "it's warm.... Renay I would really love if we could go in the water together" he took both of my hands moving back so I had to move forward I took two steps the water slowly got higher on my body it was now sitting up on my knees

"Oh my god Niall" I said looking down at the water then up to him and smiled

"Keep going your doing great" I smiled to him then started to cry tilting my head up so I was looking at the sky trying to hold back my tears. I was so happy it's been a little over a year since I've been in the water. Niall walked back up holding my head making me look at him "thank you" I said wiping away my tears he just kissed my cheek I grabbed his head him my handed and gave him a kiss on the lips. We walked side by side into the water a little deeper so the water was now at my waist. I was so happy I had the best feeling ever the water now up to my boobs.

A memory came floods back into my head from when I crashed with that other surfer

"I can't do it any more" I said turning around. Niall grabbed my arm "yes you can" he said

"No" I said turning to walk of again "let go of me" he grip didn't let to of my arm "Niall I'm scared let go" I said now crying again but this time of fear.Then the while accident pictures into my head I felt really light headed. Niall's warm embrace touched my body pulling me into a hug I wrapped my legs around his waist as he started to carry me back to shore I had my head in his shoulder still crying.

I put my feet on the ground but still had my head hidden in Niall. There was a towel wrapped around me I held onto it but still hid my face "c'mon lets go he said" I don't move still scared I then felt my weight being lifted off the ground again i felt really sick. -----------------------------------------------------

hey hey so today i tried writing the last chapter (chapter 30) and its not happening i think there is going to be probably 32 chapter and chapter 29,30 are very long! hehe so you can thank me when you get to read those :) :) :)

Twitter: bronte001

Instagram: bronte_02

anyways thanks Bronte xoxox

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