chapter 1

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[The book takes a little to get into and the first chapters suck!! But please continue reading!!!]

Chapter 1

It all started with winning tickets to go meet and live with One Direction for a month. I Renay Audriana Smith won the tickets and im taking my childhood bestfriend Rosie Beth Marshall.

Rosie was at my house 24/7 she is like another sister to me since i already had two, Alexa 18 and Elise 10. I gues it was good for her as she had three brothers, Adrian 20, Nick 18 and Jonas 12.

The day we got the letter stating that we had won to go live with One Direction for a month was the best day of our lives, we started crying before we even opened the letter seeing it was addressed from one direction then we opened the letter and my mum(Mary) practicly dissowned me as she had a guest over due to the fact that we were screaming and crying at the same time. We emidiantly startted packing knowing we only had two weeks to.

The best part of packing is that Rosie and i are the same size! the only difference is she is a tad bit taller so if one of us forgot something we could easily borrow it off eachother. Which i'm pretty sure is bound to happen!

Tomorrow was only leaving a week untill we were leaving to go live with one direction. Me and my boyfriend Derrick have been going through a rough patch lately and to add this on top of it was just great! Lately i had been going home crying because he had ignored me or rejected me every time i would try to kiss him so maybe a break would be good!?

I walked over to Derrick's house to say goodbye as i was walking there i texted him saying i was comming, when i got there he was sitting outside of his house on the front steps so i gladly took a seat next to him.

"im gonna miss you" i quickly said. "Do you think this is gonna work out?" that was not what i wanted to hear as i just stared at him blankly.

"umm, we can skype each other and"

" i think we should just be friends" Derrick Quickly spat out as he cut me off. I didn't know what to do i just looked down holding back the tears. After a minute or so i got up and started walking home feeling Derrick's stare on me, i quickly dialled Rosie's number and told her everything while tears were streaming down my face. This walk home felt like forever at least i had my bestfriend to talk to even though i couldnt see her but thats how i know that she is a bestfriend she always turns the bad times into good and i can always rely on her, in saying that i would do and give anything for her as well because thats what true friends do.

Walking through the front door and straight to my room i knew my family would question something was up, sitting on my bed i pulled off my shoes and looked to my left to see a photo frame holding a picture of Derrick kissing the top of my head. Instantly picking up the frame i felt a burst of anger go through my body. Pulling out the photo and ripping it to shreds, watching the ripped pieces fall to the ground i felt the water-works starting up again rolling down my face.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

so this is my first ever book! also im australian so if words are confusing or anything just message me and i will happily answer them for you :)

bronte xoxo

Dreams Do Come True {One Direction fanfic}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ