chapter 12

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chapter 12

*renay point of view*

The next morning i got up first i selpt so bad i was cold all night  so when i got up it was like 6am oh well i didnt care. I took a shower. I rinsed the strawberry and coconut conditioner out of my hair and stepped out of the shower i put on some trackies and a hoodie with my ugg boots thinking that i would get dressed properly later before we went out.

I walked out to the open living area and started to clean up last nights beer bottles and Pizza boxes. That only took like 10 minutes so i decided to get a bowel of cereal but noticed we ran out so i started to putting the ingrediants together to make pancakes, i only cooked a few for me and put the mixture in the fridge and thought i would cook it later when everyone els got up. I drizzled lemon over my 3 pancakes and sprinkled sugar over the top i sat down at the table and started to eat while going through a magazine. Only an hour went passed so i sat down in the couch and put Despicable Me on i loved that movie and didnt care what people thought it's like Liam and Toy Story i really want the 2nd one to hurry up and come out if the first Decpicable Me was good the second was is bound to be good.

Everyone started to get up. It was now around 9am now so i cooked the mixture and everyone helped themselves. I went and got ready i pulled out a pair of green jeans a white singlet and put my grey zebra half cut top over the top of the singlet and decided to wear my black ankle boots with my black zip up jacket with it.Rosie was already dressed when she got up. Eleanor and Perrie where coming back around 10ish so we were already to go when they came.

*Rosie point of view*

Eleanor and Perrie came and we left. Niall, Zayn and Louis ended up coming with us too we didn't mind. Niall was totally flirting i couldn't believe she couldn't see it she always notices when someone is flirting. You could just tell he was always sitting next to her and when we got told off by Liam and Zayn and came into our room he went and sat on her lap and with the beer last night and them playing instruments together. okay so they arn't that noticable but i think he likes her either that or he wants to be close friends he even sat next to her in the van that drove us to the mall.

We piled out of the van and walked in, the mall was huge and there was like nobody here

Renay"where are all the people?" okay she was just thinking the same as me. scary.

Eleanor"it's a Tuesday all the kids are in school"

oh makes sence now the bottom floor was basically the food cought area so we took the escalator up to the next floor. Typical me and Renay grabbed clothes and held it up on eachother to see what it looked like. We did this instead of trying the clothes on its much quicker. She said this dress looked good on me but i didn't really want it but she bought it for me anyways i tried to convince her not to but she wanted to buy it so she did you could never convince her not to buy something when it came to clothes no matter what price. The guys went to Jack Wills and we said we would meet them there. Walking into the shop the three of them were paying for what ever they bought. We were running out of energy so we stopped at Nado's on the way home.

Grabbing all th shopping bags and taking them inside the house there was a sleeping Liam on the couch and Harry no where to be seen i put my bags into our room as did Renay and walked out to the open dinning living area, i sat down at the table and started to read the news paper. Louis and Eleanor where leaning on eachother on the couch and Zayn and Perrie went to Zayn and Harry's room.

*Renay point of view*

When we got home i followed Rosie to put our bags in the bedrrom then went and practised on the piano for that thing Harry wants me to do the song chosen was 'They Don't Know About Us' it should only take me a couple oof days to get the song if i practise enough it's not really hard song to play it's pretty simple actually.

*Rosie's point of view*

You could hear Renay playing the piano from the study she was sounding pretty good stopping here and there and starting back up again which is where im assuming she stuffed up

Harry"she is getting there"

me"sounds pretty good doesn't it"

Harry was cooking tonight again with the help from Niall it smelt good and the light was on in the ovan so they were baking something what every they were doing made me hungry ferom the aroma. HArry came down and sat next to me reading the paper over my shoulder and pointed stuff out. I got out my phone and scrolled through twitter and facebook. I snuck into the study and took a photo of Renay without her knowing

Its Rosie

@renay.smith studying hard there!

Harry Styles

@rosie_beth_marshall @renay.smith sounding good Renay! good job bud!

The piano stopped "Rosie!!" Renay called she obviously saw the tweet "you called" i said smirked at her. She didn't say anything back she just gave me a look "you dont even look bad stop worrying and the fans love it"

"there are so many retweets and favourites"

"told you they love it" i examined

"seriously Harry bud?"


Rosie"thats a thing flowers grow into"

me"oh my god Renay its short for buddy you retard"

Niall"the brown head is habving a blonde moment"he said while messing up Renays hair.Renay flattened her hair back and Zayn walked out with Perrie and joined us at the table, El and Lou joined as well getting up from the couch. Hary put the food on the table and we all dug in. Everyone helped clean up and we all settled down in tyhe living area with music playing and us just talking.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

heeeeeeeeeeeeey =)

arn't i good updating twice in one week for you guys okay so this chapter and the last chapter were pretty boring so th next chapter is going to be good and i hope you guys like it :)

keep fanning voting and commenting please all the comments i have are from the one person @NiallOnly!princess Thankyou for you! even though i thanked you last chapter but oh wells haha oh and also thankyou to my best friend Aimee for reading my book and telling me about it at schoo;l love you x

also is anyone elses wattpad playing up on them mine does all the time its so fricken annoying!

 anyways thanks bronte xoxox

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