Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

*Renay point of view*

Rosie told me she would be back and i just moaned letting her know i heard her and drifted off to sleep.

Waking up half way through the night i noticed she wasn’t next to me i brushed it off and fell back asleep assuming she would have just gone to the toilet or something. I woke up to the sound of the smoke alarm going off i got up and walked out to the sound and saw Niall swinging the newspaper back and forth to cool down the smoke alarm. “Morning didn’t mean to wake you” Liam said all cheery

“you burnt my toast” Niall said spreading butter and jam over the bread

“i didn’t the toaster did”

I rubbed my eyes and sat down on the couch where Rosie was then she walked out of Harry’s room, she put a finger of her mouth for me not to say anything as i was the only one to see her walk out of the bedroom. She sat down next to me i gave her a weird look

“i didn’t even know you were up” Liam said looking over at us Niall was doing the same we turned our heads back around and i turned on the tv then put my legs up on the coffee table, getting a shiver down my spine causing me to get Goosebumps “cold much” Rosie said i rubbed my legs and eventually the faded Harry walked out of his room he was staring at Rosie as she just bit her lip oh my god they so did it! I cleared my throat and nodded for her to go to our room. We closed the door and i looked to her she smiled ”oh my god it was so good”

“i can’t believe you actually did it” she looked so dreamy “but what does this make you two know?” are the just going to be fuck buddies now or what’s the go?

“i have no idea”

“wells im going to have a shower” i started picking out clothes i pulled out a pair of peach coloured ghanda pants and a black supre three quarter top along with matching bra and undies i walked into the bathroom and turned on the taps stepping in at the right temperature letting the water droplets hit my skin i thought that she was lucky she was on the pill. Her mum’s reaction telling her that she was pregnant would be funny well not for her of course.

Walking out of the bathroom i noticed the girls and Zayn and Louie were back “hey” i called heading back to our room wow it was a mess there were clothes everywhere i put most of them away then dried my hair with the towel in front of the mirror and walked to everyone els by the looks of things Harry and Rosie were acting like nothing happened. We really didn’t do anything in this house hold just watched tv all the time and listened to Louis with all the weird things that came out of his mouth. I went to the study again and practised ‘they don’t know about us’ i finally got the timing right and didn’t stuff Niall walked in in with his guitar and we went over the song together a few times sounding so good I’m actually a little excited to perform

“i can’t wait for the fans to hear this your gonna smash it!”me smash this no way i probably wont be even noticed playing the piano while there are 5 hot guys singing

” me! You’re the one that’s singing”

‘and you’re the one that’s playing” that’s if i don’t chicken out.I turned back to the piano because i had had nothing left to say i started to play Apologize by One Republic it was my favourite song to play i loved it so much. Niall sat there and listened “i don’t get how you do it”

“do what?” what am i doing wrong?”

“play like that it’s amazing” i continued to play not saying anything back again i really was bad for comebacks today. I finished the song and cracked my knuckles shutting the piano lid. Niall sat on the stool next to me lifting the lid back up ”teach me” he said looking at me

“niall i c ca”

“teach me” he said cutting me off

He looked me in the eye i couldn’t take my eyes from his they were so amazing you just got lost in them. I turned my head back to the keys “what do you want to learn?” he didn’t respond i turned looking back at him and he kissed me, full on passionate making out or snogging as he would call it. It was amazing i was kissing Niall the Niall Horan his lips were so soft and the kiss was so gentle the kiss was getting deeper and deeper his hand in my hair he pulled away but i could of kept going “I’m sorry i shouldn’t of” “Niall its fine” i cut him off he looked at me and smiled his big cheesy smile he always does with the white wire connecting from every tooth with a clear bracket. He made braces HOT!------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

hey hey!

hows everyone arnt you lucky i updated *cough cough Aimee* i mean love you aimee haha... for those of you who are reading this my bestfriend is Aimee and she always makes me update for the next chapter hehe :)

anyways hope your loving the book if you are please..



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thanks bronte xoxox

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