chapter 28

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Chapter 28

I saw Renay's family run up on the deck of the restaurant we were at then look out over us on the deck.

Renay got down pretty deep I was really proud of her she was so happy I could just tell then she just started into nothing then said

"I can't do it any more" And started turning around. I grabbed her arm "yes you can" I said to her in a soothing matter

"No" She said turning to walk of again "let go of me" I didn't want to let to of her arm I wanted her to calm down first"Niall I'm scared let go"she said now crying again but this time of fear she went wight and started to wobble I picked her up carrying her to shore she was still crying. She put her feet on the ground and Rosie came over putting a towel around her I noticed her family started to walk down to us with the lads "c'mon lets go" I said picking her up going to walk to her family she started to shake

Rosie"wow she's cold she has the shivers"

Her mum was smiling then dropped noticing that Renay was shaking

Mary"What's going on?" She asked

Me"She said she was scared and now she has just started to shake" I said placing her down on the sand

Pete"Renay? Renay how are you feeling"

Renay"I'm really thirsty" Liam passed her his water bottle "can you all stop touching me" she all annoyed we all backed away

Pete"these are all the symptoms of shock, lets just put her feet up" i stood up relax a bit surprised as her mum and dad started putting towels under her feet

"Dads is a nurse he knows what he's doing" Alexa said to me holding Elise on her hip a crowd formed from the restaurant. We all had to evacuate them. Renay was laying on the ground covered up in towels to keep her warm as her mum sat down next to her side and dad.

* 10 minutes later *

Renay was now back to her normal self.

"God you scared me" I said climbing next to her on the bed at her house

"I'm sorry" she apologised

"Why are you apologising your went into shock because I dragged you into the water"

"I don't know maybe because I waisted like an hour of us being together"

"More like 20 minutes" I corrected her

"I went into shock over the most gayest thing ever" she laughed

"It was because your were scared"

"Yeah" she nodded " It just all came back into my head.... Do you really have to go back?"she asked I nodded

"I don't want to but I leave in an hour"

"You fly out at the most weirdest times"

"Your telling me" I laughed we leave to go to the airport at 1am and fly out at 3am and it 12am now. Renay yawned "go to sleep" I told her she shook her head

"No" she said moving to kiss me on the cheek "I don't want you to leave when I'm asleep" I gave her a little smile.

Renay just messaged my head with her hand

There was a car that tooted its horn twice "the car is here" I said getting up. Renay looked sad, I grabbed my bag then walked downstairs I opened up the front door turning back to kiss Renay. She grabbed me in a hug squeezing me in tight I kissed the top of her head. She pulled back, staring into each others eyes "don't forget me" she said with watery eyes

"How could I forget you" I laughed pulling her in for a hug. I snogged her good bye kissing one last time, "bye" i said picking up my bag off the ground. our hands slowly untangled as I walked away. I jumped in the van sitting next to Zayn. Watching Renay out the window as we drove off, she looked so sad and tired resting her head against the door frame.

Renay's pov

I watched Niall walk away getting into the car. I really didn't want them to go its gonna be weird without them now. I leant against the door frame watching the car drive off. I turned around walking back upstairs. I slammed my body against the bed laying on my stomach. Tears ran down my face as kept hiccuping from crying.

Never new good byes could be so hard.

Niall's pov

I kissed Renay one last kiss whispering "good bye" in her ear before walking away. We talked about catching up since she finishes school entirely soon. We actually had the discussion with her family in how she was finishing this year. Her mum wasn't happy her mum is actually a little scary she has very high standards. I will be seeing her again over Christmas and New Years she's were planing to go back to my home.

The last week was fun Alexa and Elise are fun too. After I bought ice cream for Elise she like fell in love with me she's a cute kid. My phone screen is actually a picture of her with Renay and me all sitting on the beach pulling faces. Alexa took the photo.

Just a shame I leave my girlfriend the 3rd week we date.

Rosie's pov

When we got home I was still feeling sick mum noticed and I covered it up with food poisoning and luckily she bought it. Every time I would run to the bathroom feeling sick or was sick Harry was always by my side, he was really great I love him so much.


Today was the last day for one direction my five new favourite guy friends here. I was really curious to see weather this abortion had worked. I was first up so I went to the bathroom and took a pregnancy test. After waiting for minutes for one line or two lines I was getting a little impatient. I looked down to the stick and only one line showed up. I jumped up and down doing a little jig I was so happy it had worked. I ran back to my room about to jump on the bed when I realised I was so happy that I killed a living human. My mood instantly dropped I sat down in the bed my back facing Harry. I held my head high all of a sudden interested in the ceiling. Why does something bad always happen out of something good? Couples a dying to get pregnant then there's me killing that innocent child that never got to live a day of real life. I got back into bed snuggling into Harry all I wanted right now was to be in his arms. It's a shame really that he is going I don't want him to

*1am the next day*

Me and Harry were really close all day it was great now he is leaving which is not so great. We've planned to have Christmas and New Years hear. I'm taking him to the fireworks.

We both walked to the front door for his good bye.

"I love you" he said "no matter what happens"

"I love you too" I smiled leaning in. We kissed passionately before being interrupted by a car tooting

"That's my ride"

"Unfortunately" I said looking down

"I'll be back to see you in that bikini again" I but my lip finding what he said was incredibly cute he crashed his lips on mine once more. The car tooted again

"I gotta go" he said between kissing me opening the door

"Bye call me when you get there"

"I will...Cya later" I waved to everyone in the car bye then they drove off I shut the door sliding down it with a tear falling down my face. Why did he have to go? Would he have stayed if I kept the baby? I will see him again right? He said 'cya later' so that means he is doesn't it? Ugh why am I over thinking this he wouldn't have told me he loves me and we wouldnt of planned new years and christmas if he didn't its real.

I worked up the strength walking to my room falling on the bed shutting my eyes.-----------------------------


wrote this chapter with tiredness and major writters block so so soryy if its bad can allways rewrite it if its that bad just tell me and i will :) 

woo 30 votes can we get to 450 reads??

thanks Bronte xoxox

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