chapter 10

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chapter 10

We arrived at Harry's house and decided who slept where, me and Rosie were of course together. Zayn and harry, Liam and Louis were together and Niall scored the couch to himself.

My phone rang'Your Maths Skills Are Terrible' i looked to the caller ID and hung up

"who was that?" Rosie asks


"i don't know, just tell me"


"oh ew" she responds. I nod my head agreeing.

My phone rang again i hit the decline button on my phone then the ding sound came stating that i had a message.He just dosn't get it does he?

From Dereck to Renay

'Babe please pick up i miss you, i saw you on tv you were hot! xx <3'

Oh my god he is such a prick he dumps me then doesn't even look at me or anything at school then texts me saying im hot and misses me.

"oh my god!" I practicly scream.

"give me a look" Rosie snatches my phone out if my hands.

Niall"so who is this Dereck guy?"

"just some nobody" I respond.

Harry"if he is just some nobody why are you two facinated over that text message"

Rosie"trust me we are not facinated"

Zayn"im confused someone explain"

"There is nothing to explain" i said kind of sadly remembering all the times we had together. They all kind of backed away and did there own thing after that so im assuming Rosie gave them some kind of signal to forget the subject

"i'm gonna go take a shower" i said

Harry"the bathroom is in there" he pointed to the door just before the hallway.

"thanks"i headed to the room that me and Rosie were going to stay in grabbed some comfier clothes and went into the bathroom and took a shower.

*Rosie's point of View*

Renay said she was going to go take a shower, her mood had dropped big time.She was so happy when we arrived but that stupid dick face son of a bitch had to text her just when she got over him.

Everyone turned to me when we heard the barthroom door close

Zayn"im so confused"

"shhh she will hear you" i say looking to the bathroom door. "Okay i'll explain.Well Dereck and Renay dated for like a year and he dumped her like a week before we came here and he sent her a message saying she looked hot and missed cos he saw the interview, i mean she just got over him and he did that"

Niall"oh boy"

"yeah i never liked him anyway but now she is going to be all moody again"

Louis"we will just have do keep doing stuff to get him off her mind" he said casually like non of this was a big deal. To them it isn't but Renay is my best friend. I know everything about her, she probably act like non of this bothers her but I know it will.

"okay"the boys said in perfect sync which made me giggle a little

"i need food"i said going through Harry's cupboards; making myself at home.

"me too" Niall said of course.

"ooo im having a milkshake" I said grabbing the strawberry topping out of the cupboard.

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