chapter 9

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chapter 9

*Renay Point Of View*

Waking up at 6 was not what i thought i would be doing living with one direction, I didnt even get up that early for school but oh well this is much better then school at the moment. I sat up and shoved Rosie to wake and rubbed my eyes she did the same as me, i got up and knocked on all of the boys bedroom door's to wake them up. Louis was up first with Zayn being last as per usuall.

Breakfast was cerial, toast or porage. I had a pece of toast,boy do i miss Vegemite i've been having strawberry jam lately. After my toast it was shower time; i bet Rosie thank god, she takes the longest showers ever!

Everybody had a shower then we piled into a black van i dont know how but we all managed to get in the van exactly on 7:30am. From the apartment the studio was only 15minutes away. Walking into the building we were all put in this one room. Getting hair and make-up done Lou focused on the boys while we had the same girl the first time we got interviewed which was Chelsea, Lou had brought Lux along she is so cute and wasn't shy at all, all the boys played with her which was very cute to watch even i got to hold her.Our make-up was done all the boys quifs were done and so was our hair Harry did his own hair as he usually does as you can't really do anything with it.

Me and Rosie were lead into another room to get changed everone was done and ready by 9:45am only 15minutes left till the interview and my butterflies were definatly settled in i dont even know why i'm even this nervious.

"I've defiantly got everyone's butterflies" I said shyly. Niall laughed as I continued to stare at my legs bobbing up and down

"please welcome One Direction, Rosie and Renay"the interviewer announced in a very cheered tone, we all walked out the boys first then us girls; me last out, we all waved and sat down

The usual, how you guys going, is having time off been fun? type of questions got asked first.

interviwer"so what's it like living with one direction girls?"

"it's actually really fun i mean they are just regular guys and yeah it's fun" I responded first hiding all my nerves as I smiled.

Interviewer"so Rosie you have 3 brothers?"


Interviewer"so what is it like to go from 3 to 5?"

Rosie"um well these 5 are way better i mean they are one direction" the crowd screamed"and i'm not related to them so its even better"

Interviewer"so boys what do you think of the girls?"

Liam"they are actually really nice girls,from being on the plane we became close"

Louis"it's actually funny coz we have bonded so well we treat them like sisters"

Harry"we already notice the little things they do,and it's what like our 3rd day together(sorry guys had to do it ;))

Interviewer"so what are these little things?"

Niall"Renay eats with her knife and fork in the wrong hands"

Zayn"Rosie always plays with her hair like she is now for instance" everyone turned to Rosie and she dropped her hand to her lap and everyone laughed

Harry"and they always have eye conversations"

Niall"haha yeah they do"

"is it really that noticable?" I asked embarrassed. It's girl code okay...?!

Harry"sort of"

After 10 or so minutes the interview ended finally!, it was a little embarrasing.We made our way to the black van again and left to go to Harry's house.



okay when i say harry's house it means what he says on the 'Up All Night' dvd so yeah :)

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