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*Jane's POV*

I was in my room sitting on the floor.

"I hate myself... I fucking hate myself..." I mumbled to myself. I checked my clock only to see it was 9:30 am.

"Life is so slow... And painful." A voice spoke. I knew who it was. Depression and Suicide. Depression and Suicide looked like me but they were fully black, you couldn't see their faces. Only their mouths were completely white and on their foreheads wrote their names. I refused to look at them, they appeared after the night Jeff attacked me.

"Just one cut won't hurt." Depression giggled. I took off my mask and threw it across the room.

"Why can't anyone else see you!" I shouted, covering my ears and letting the tears spill from my dark clover green eyes. But they wouldn't stop haunting and taunting me.

"Your useless, you should have let the fire burn you." Suicide snickered, causing Depression to laugh. I brought my knees to my chest, putting my head down, and cried.

"Aw poor little crybaby. Crying won't bring your family back!" Depression spat in my face. I was lost in my thoughts I couldn't hear Depression and Suicide anymore. I was still crying when I heard a familiar voice.

"Well well well, I see your talking to yourself again?" Nina snorted. I wanted to kill her but I couldn't find myself to do it. Instead I just continued to cry.

"Crying slut." Nina scoffed and slammed my door, leaving me alone with my tears.

"Hah! Crying slut? I like that name better." Depression chuckled.

"That tight dress makes you look like a whore!" Suicide laughed. I just cried harder.

"JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!" I yelled, but they kept laughing and laughing.

"Bye bitch!" Depression and Suicide giggled and disappeared in a black smoke.
'Why is it always me...?' I thought to myself, as I grabbed my knife and dragged it down my arm, until 1 cut...2 cuts... 3 cuts... My arm began bleeding tiny drops of blood. I smiled weakly and hid the knife under my bed and swapping it with a bottle of date rape drugs. I took out two pills, swallowed them and hid them under my bed. I threw myself on my bed, laughing and crying at the same time.
Every thing began to swirl and twirl, I couldn't stop laughing, and my hot tears were coming out fast. The last thing I remember was hearing Slenderman yell.

"EJ! JANE LOOKS BAD!" Then I passed out.

*Jane's Dream*

I was tied to a chair... At my dinner table, my whole family was also sitting at the dinner table, tied to their chairs but they were... Dead? Dead!? No! No no no no! They can't be dead!

"Oh~ Your awake."
I look to my right only to see Jeff.

"Why are you doing this? What did I ever do to you!" I shouted.

"Oh nothing... Just Go To Sleep~" Jeff purred as he dumped gasoline and bleach on me. I screamed and screamed but he wouldn't stop. He lit a match and threw it down on me the pain was unbearable. I screamed in agony and pain, but Jeff ran off. I was screaming so much that I was losing my voice, I leaned against my chair and cried thinking this is how I die. But I heard a females voice...

"Hey! I'm here to save you! Stay awake!" She called. I tired but the smoke hurt my eyes. I looked up to see a girl charging at me with a knife, I couldn't see what she looked like because of the smoke. I screamed again and shut my eyes waiting for the the knife to hit me, but it never came. I opened my eyes, a girl, she looked a year older than me, she cut my ropes and picked me up bridal style and jumped through a closed window which she shield me from getting any cuts. I slowly closed my eyes, my vision was blurry. I couldn't see her face but I did hear her saying,

"No No! Stay awake! Don't die on me!"
Then I fainted.

~~End of Jane's Dream~~

I woke up in the infirmary. I didn't remember what happened. Then I remembered I took the date rape drugs to numb my sadness. I sighed and walked to my room. But I started thinking about... That girl... Who was she? I tried remembering but since it was so long ago... I couldn't remember, Well I remember Jeff's attack and him setting me on fire and all but I couldn't remember the girl.

{Don't leave me} Jane the killer x Female readerWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt