*Jane's POV*

I woke up, I groaned not wanting to wake up. I felt too much stress and guilt. Then I remembered something, I instantly sat up, brushed my hair and teeth, I got dressed in a black hoodie, black jeans, black sneakers, and put on my mask. After I was done, I walked out of my room but I was stopped by Slenderman.

"Jane, go to my office. We need to talk." Slenderman seemed ashamed.

"Okay?" I sighed and followed Slenderman to his office where I sat in a leather chair. Then Slenderman sat in his chair.

"I wanted to apologize to you Jane. I should have noticed your red flag behavior before I suspected something was wrong. I also should have stopped the bullying." I was shocked to hear Slender say that. I was speechless but lucky me I had words.

"I... I don't mind really Slender. I'm used to it." I said shrugging while leaving his office without his permission. Thank goodness he didn't try to stop me. Now back to where I was originally going, was my waterfall.

*(Y/N)'s POV*

I heard Jane's and Slender's conversation. Why is Jane so damn stubborn? But I'm not giving up on her! I saved her once, I can save her again. I walked back down to the living room where of course everyone is. Everyone refused to look at me which was fine by me. But I felt bad for Sally and Lucy. I didn't mean to scare them but oh well, I can't change how they feel about me. I continued to watch Ben play Minecraft. He would rage every now and then but it still made me chuckle.

After a while, I got a headache from the game design so I went the kitchen to get a glass of water. And that's where I bumped into Offenderman and Nina. Nina looked rather terrified of me, he kept staring at me.

"You got something to say? Say it to my face." I snarled lowly while leaning against the counter. Nina jumped a little, she climbed out of the kitchen window and went somewhere. Since I was standing near the kitchen doors, she probably went to go through the front door. And according to my guess, I was right. Nina came in through the front door and ran upstairs, her bandages looked ripped up.

"tch, pathetic fagot." I whispered to myself.

"Well your the badass that everyone talks about." Offenderman cooed with a smirk. I chuckled at his attempt of flirting with me.

"Nice try honey, but you suck at flirting." I giggled, putting down my glass of water, which turned into black liquid. That's when Offenderman cornered me, I was still leaning against the counter. I looked down and saw he had a tent, well shit I ain't letting him win. While he had me cornered, he handed me a red rose. I laughed at his failure of trying to bed me.

"Take that rose and shove it up your ass buster." I giggled, pushing him out of my way. He grabbed my mask and ripped it off.

"Go ahead keep it, I don't care." I sighed in satisfaction. Offenderman growled and threw my mask on the ground as he stormed out of the kitchen.

{Don't leave me} Jane the killer x Female readerWhere stories live. Discover now