part 2

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Cross thought about it, then took Nightmare’s hand as a show of agreement. They shook on it and Nightmare teleported them to the front of a large castle. “Come along, now.” He led him to a front room, not unlike a large living room. “HEY!” Nightmare seemed to be calling to the others in the room.

Four skeletons came to Nightmare and bowed their heads for a few moments, then looked back up at him. Cross hid behind Nightmare, a little afraid. 

“We have a new member.” Nightmare stated as he used a tendril to push Cross out in front of him. He started to tremble.

The one with a hole in his head took Cross’s arm and seemed to be . . . smelling him?

“He smells interesting,” he stated simply, letting go of Cross. Cross ran behind Nightmare but he simply walked away. Cross wanted to follow, but Nightmare said not to. He backed himself up into a corner.

The black-boned skeleton, who also looked like he was crying due to the blue markings under his eyes, looked Cross up and down. “He seems nervous.” his voice was glitchy, like a malfunctioning computer.

“Yeah no shit. Horror probably scared him with how aggressive he was,” the one with the hood replied, seeming annoyed. “What's your name?”


“Oh, you’re mute. Alright. Cross, I am Dust. The one who sniffed you is named Horror, and the glitch’s name is Error,” as dust was giving introductions, another skeleton, with what looked like black tar going down his face, was gently checking Cross over for injuries by patting him down, looking for any flinching. Dust continued. “And the one checking you for injuries is Killer.”

Cross nodded to show he heard and held still to let Killer finish his “check-up”.

“Alright, you seem uninjured. Let me show you to your room.” Killer said as he motioned Cross to follow him.

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