part 14

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Cross had returned back to the castle and relayed Nightmare’s message to them. Killer was the only one that gave a verbal response, but everyone heard and understood.

Cross went to read a book that Nightmare lent him a while ago, he had read a few chapters before he passed out, falling asleep on Dust’s shoulder. Dust tensed, but slowly relaxed.

It's been a few days and Nightmare has yet to return. Everyone was worried for him.

Killer was cooking and Horror was helping. Error would go into the kitchen to steal a carrot or a piece of celery, only to get yelled at by Killer. Killer then moved to cutting up the meat for the stew he and Horror were making.

As he washed his hands, he asked Horror to turn on the stove and start cooking the meat. Horror did so and was stirring the meat while Killer finished washing his hands and tossed the vegetables, water, and broth in a large pot and stirred that around. Cross came in and stole a carrot, getting the same reaction from Killer that Error had gotten.

After dinner, they decided to watch a movie, not a scary one this time, cause they didn’t want Cross to have another night terror. They decided to watch Freaky Friday, which was hilarious, according to everyone but Error, who had seen it many times with Ink.

Cross was the last one up and gently got himself untangled from his sleeping colleagues and friends. He was about to go to get some blankets for the others when he heard the door open. He looked and saw Nightmare. He seems much calmer than usual. “Hey, Cross. What are you up to?”

‘Getting blankets for the others. They fell asleep.’

“Oh, alright. Get some rest yourself too, alright?” Cross nodded and hugged Nightmare. He hugged back and patted Cross’s back.

Nightmare went to his room and passed out. 

Cross came back to the others and tucked them in with the blankets he got and went to his room and fell asleep.

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