part 18

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The next morning, Cross woke up feeling better. And comfortable. He blushed when he remembered what happened and hid his face in Nightmares chest.

Nightmare, who was awake, chuckled at Cross’s reaction, “What’s with the blush? Not used to cuddles?~” more blushing on Cross’s part, and more laughter from Nightmare. “Are you feeling better?”
Cross nodded. He was still freezing, and still had a fever, but he did not want Nightmare to know that. It’s the classical impress your crush thing. 

“Then why are you shivering?” Nightmare just looked at Cross. Cross responded by cuddling closer to Nightmare. Nightmare felt Cross’s hands. They were freezing. “Cross?”

Cross sighed and shook his head, responding to Nightmare’s question.

“Then rest some more, alright?” Nightmare said as he laid Cross down and tucked him in. “I have a lot to do, so I’ll check on you when I can.” Cross nodded, already half asleep. Nightmare chuckled and left Cross to rest.

Nightmare made his way around the forest to get to the Star Sanses base as a shortcut. As he was walking through, he heard someone call for help. He left his original objective to find whoever was calling for help. 

After a bit of searching, he found them. A small human child was curled up by a small cliff, no doubt he had fallen. “Hey, are you okay?” Nightmare asked. The kid shook his head. “What’s your name?”


“What happened?”

“I-I fell off the cliff.”

“Well, Chara, let's get you somewhere safe, alright?” Chara nodded and let Nightmare carry him.

Silent Love Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ