part 9

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After the meeting Cross decided to take a nap on the couch. He woke to Horror snuggling him. He was confused but went with it. He eventually got up when Horror was done cuddling. He was unsure, but he thought he saw the flash of a camera pointed at him and Horror. 

Dust and Error were arguing over who is stronger, Error is better at long range attacks and Dust is better at close combat, so it’s hard to tell. Horror, after getting off of Cross, went to Killer and they chatted a bit. Nightmare was reading his book again.

Cross went walking around, and Killer went up to him, asking his opinion on whether or not he should try to learn another language. ‘Go for it!’
Nightmare called Cross over to give him his very first mission. Nightmare wanted Cross to get the Star Sanses to come over for a meeting. He gave him directions and sent him off. 

He, after about an hour, made it to the Star Sanses base and knocked at the door. Blueberry, a small skeleton that wore mostly blue, answered. “Oh, hello. What can I do for ya?”

‘Um, Nightmare sent me to come get you guys?’

“Oh, um, I’m sorry, I don't know what you said. Um, come in for a sec. You can write down what you need to say, alright?” Cross nodded and followed him. Ink and Dream, the other two Star Sanses, greeted Cross and Blueberry. 

Blueberry explained what he was going to do, and passed Cross a pen and paper. Cross wrote down:

‘Hello, I was sent here to get the Star Sanses by Nightmare, and I assume you are them?’ He showed the note to Blue. 

“Oh! Yeah, of course!” He turned to Ink and Dream. “Nightmare wanted to have another meeting with us.” They nodded and they went to get their shoes on, along with their accessories. Ink grabbed his scarf and Dream grabbed his crown and cape. Cross stretched and yawned. He was tired and planned to go to bed early. 

“What’s your name?” Dream asked, attempting to sign. Cross silently laughed and showed Dream how to sign his question properly and signed his name, writing it down so Dream isn’t clueless. “Oh, alright, Cross, let’s go.” 

They eventually made it back to Nightmare’s castle. 

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