part 12

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Cross was walking around in a pacifist AU when he bumped into Nightmare, or who he thought was Nightmare.


“It’s alright. Just be careful next time.” 

Cross was confused. This person looked like Nightmare, but he had a dark golden tinge to him, unlike the dim cyan that he was used to. ‘What’s your name?’ 

“My name is Shattered. We have met, Cross, so don’t worry.”

Cross was worried. He went home and decided to tell Nightmare about the strange encounter. ‘Boss!’

“Yes, Cross?” Cross explained to Nightmare about Shattered, and that something was off. “So, you met someone who looks like me, but gold, and he said that you have met?” Cross nodded. “Well, then. I would like to meet him. Let’s see if he is still in the AU.” 

They went and checked, and found him under a tree with two others. Ink and Blue, but something seemed off about them as well. Ink looked like he didn’t care about anything, and had white eyelights. Blueberry looked the same, but his normally blue eyes were red, and he was toying with a small knife.

Nightmare, holding Cross’s arm, approached them. “Hello. I’ve heard that you have met Cross today?” he was addressing Shattered.

“Hello! And, why, yes I have. Good to see you again Cross. Good to see you too, Nightmare.”

Nightmare was now confused. “Have we met before, Shattered?”

“Yes we have.”

Blueberry, who was talking to Ink, decided to greet them. “Hello, Cross! Hello, Nightmare!”

“Hi, Blueberry. What are you doing?”

“Just hanging out with my friends!”

Ink looked at Blueberry blankly. “We are not friends.”

“Blueberry giggled and hugged Ink. “Of course we are friends!”

“We are?”


“Oh. okay.”

Shattered simply laughed. “Those two are always bickering.”

“Ink, why are your eyelights white dots, and Blueberry, why are yours red? And why do you have a knife?” Nightmare was confused.

“Well, we are not as we show. Nightmare, Cross, I would like to formally introduce us as the Fallen Stars!” 

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