Chen's story

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10 year's ago
It was a normal day for chen. He was the obedient trouble making child. He would either be a complete angel or a troll. He was on his way to the music room for lunch when the schools bullies jungkook and j-hope came up to him.
"Hey camel eyes where do you think your going? "Too the um music room" "oh why? "Cause i want to sing" chen said proudly. "Oh look at him kook he's all proud about it! Don't you know that music is for baby and girls? "No its not its for everyone". The boys kept arguing over music when jungkook just grabbed Chen's collar and dragged him outside in which the two beat him up.

2 year's later

Chen never forgot that day. The day where he was beaten up all because of something he loved. He still sang. Just he would do it secretly. That was until a concert was being held at the school. Chen instantly signed up. Lucky for him jungkook and j-hope went to a different high school. Chen made at least a friend. Zhang Yixing or known to the school as lay and known to as chen unicorn Lay told chen of his past. Chen swore that day to protect his hyung.

2 days later

Chen was walking home when he heard snickers coming from behind him. "So the boy has the guts to sing still. Didn't you learn your lesson that day or do we need to teach it again? Chen recognized those voices. "h how d did y you f find o out? "A little birdy named lay. He was easy to pick on wasn't he kookie? "Like taking candy from a baby" chen turned around to see the smirks on their faces. The next thing they knew was that they each had received a blow to their jaws. "How dare you touch lay. He did nothing to you" "oh so the camel can speak back and fight" once again the two beat up chen. The next day both lay and chen came to school with bruises and cuts.


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