Chapter 3 - 1,2,3,4,Ten!

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Ten had been shopping. He had left the hotel at about two in the afternoon and it was now seven. Ten wanted to take some "Ten Time'' and treat himself to the wonders Australia had to offer. He had used nearly all of the aussie money he had exchanged from his credit card. Now, he was tired. He was tired but happy. Ten gathered his purchases and headed back to the hotel room.

When he got there, he placed his bags on the floor and began to fumble with his keycard. Skylar was still sleeping on the bed. It was Ten's bed. She heard someone outside the door and immediately sat up. Skylar thought that Lucas was staying in this hotel alone and that she had taken a nap on his bed.

(Skylar's POV)

I woke up to the sound of someone outside the hotel room. I sat up and slipped my shoes back on. Lucas was back sooner than I thought he would be. I was actually kind of missing him. The lock on the door beeped, which meant that the keycard was recognized. When the door opened, I expected Lucas to walk in with food. But when it opened, someone I wasn't expecting walked in.

(Nobody's POV)

Ten had finally gotten the keycard to work. "Stupid card." He muttered under his breath. Ten picked up his bags and entered the hotel room. He went to place his bags on his bed when he saw her. Ten dropped his bags and clapped his hand over his mouth.

(Skylar's POV)

I didn't know that Lucas was sharing a hotel room with whoever this guy was. He rushed over to the bed I was sitting on and got awfully close to me. He looked shocked. This person opened their mouth and exclaimed, "Oh my gosh! You are so adorable!" I jumped a little. I was genuinely surprised at this guy's reaction. I thought he would react in a more surprised way.

"Hi sweetie!" He said. This person was now smiling a giddy smile and was still much too close for my liking.

"Uhm hi?" I said, backing up a bit.

"Oh. Am I too close? Sorry." The guy said, smiling a little less.

"By the way, I'm Ten. What's your name?"


"Well then, Skylar, how did you get here?"

"Lucas found me in a park and he brought me here."

"Lucas. He's nice. Do you know where he is now?"

"Yeah. He said he was going to get food for us."

"That's so nice of him! In the meantime, could I maybe hold you? I'm sorry it's just you are sooo cute!" Ten smiled again

"Sure." I shrugged. If Ten knew Lucas and he actually asked for permission to hold me, what was the harm?

Ten held out his hand and gently scooped me up.

Ten slowly lifted me up so I could be at eye level with him. I shouldn't have done it, but I did. I looked down. The height was a little dizzying, so I started taking deep breaths. Ten must have noticed because he said, "Hey, I got you. But if you want me to put you down, I will."

"I think I'm fine now." I said. Then I sat down in his palm. Ten smiled at this. "By the way, your eyes are so pretty." He told me.

"Thanks." I blushed.

"Are you blushing?" Ten asked


"You totally are." This made me blush harder.

"Now you're red!" Ten chuckled with a teasing tone in his voice.

"I'm not!" I couldn't help but laugh as well. Ten's laugh was totally contagious.

(Nobody's POV)

Lucas had finally got the food. He made his way to the hotel room. When he went to unlock the door, he didn't hear the laughing from the other side of the door. Lucas swiped his card on the lock and opened the door. "Hey Sky-" Lucas was about to say his tiny friend's name but he stopped when he saw Ten in the room.

"Hey Ten! I got some food."

"I heard."

"What do you mean you heard?"

"Skylar told me."

"Skylar? I thought I told you to stay put!" Lucas looked at Skylar.

"I did stay put. You could've told me you were sharing a room." Skylar replied.

"I guess that's true." Lucas shrugged. "Ten, how is she letting you hold her? When I picked Skylar up, she bit me." Lucas said, changing the subject.

"That's because you didn't ask. Besides, I'm still trying to figure out this whole mess." Skylar said.

"That's true. Anyways, who wants food?" Lucas held up the bag of food he had been holding this whole time.

"Me!" Skylar said enthusiastically. Lucas and Ten both laughed at the girl's cuteness.

"Okay." Lucas pulled out the BLT sub he had purchased. Then, he ripped off a small peice of the sandwich which was not small to Skylar, and handed it to her. "Thank you!" Skylar said. She bit into her part of the sandwich. "Yummy!" Skylar exclaimed.

Lucas and Ten chuckled again. Lucas took a bite of the sub as well. "It is yummy!" He said. When Lucas said this, Skylar and Ten doubled over laughing. "Stop! I need to catch my breath!" Skylar giggled. This only made everyone laugh more. "Okay, okay we need to stop before someone chokes on BLT." Ten chuckled. "No kidding!" Skylar said. She wasn't laughing anymore but she was still smiling widely.

"Oh um, Skylar, where do you live? We should probably take you back home now." Lucas said.

"I don't really have a home," Skylar replied. She wasn't smiling anymore. Ten and Lucas went silent. "I got kicked out of the orphanage because I'm too old."

"Well, maybe you could live with us," Ten said. "Look, I know we just met, but if you have nowhere else to go, then we'd be happy to take you in."

"That's a good idea, but we'd have to check with the other members. What do you say, Skylar?"

"If I have nowhere else to go, might as well. Just as long as everybody's gentle and that you don't tell people about me. At least until I'm ready."

"That sounds fair." Lucas said.

"Our whole team isn't here right now, but I think Taeyong is in his hotel room. Do you want to meet him?" Ten asked

"I guess so."

"Cool! I'll go get him." Ten placed Skylar down, and hopped up to go get Taeyong. 

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