Chapter 5 - South Korea?

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"Skylar. Wake up!" Skylar heard someone say. She hoped that maybe it was one of the kids at the orphanage and all this had just been a crazy dream. She opened her eyes and saw Lucas leaning over her.

"Oh. I guess yesterday wasn't a dream." Skylar said

"Nope! Also, we're leaving today."

"Oh really? Where are you guys off to?"

"South Korea!"

"South Korea?!"

"South Korea."

"But that's so far from here! Also, how is airport security not going to notice me?"

"We have passes so we don't have to do a body scan. Also, you can stay in my backpack for the most of the flight. We can introduce you to Baekhyun, Mark, Kai, and Taemin on the flight."

"Okay. When are we leaving?"

"In about an hour."

One Hour Later

Skylar had gotten dressed and styled her hair.

"Hey Sky! Are you ready to go?" Ten asked

"I guess. It's just I've never left Australia before."

"You're gonna love Korea. Trust me."

"If you say so."

Lucas came into the room. He walked over to where Ten and Skylar were.

"Hi guys!" Lucas said.

"Hey Lucas!" Sky smiled

"You'll be in my pocket until airport security is done and we're on the plane, I'll put you in my carry-on. How does that sound?" Lucas explained the plan to Skylar.

"That sounds good. It doesn't mean I'm any less nervous though."

"If you get anxious, you can always let us know and we'll try our best to help."



"Shouldn't we get going?" Skylar said, changing the subject.

"Oh yeah! Hop on." Lucas held out his hand for Skylar to get on it. Skylar stepped on Lucas' hand and he gently placed her in his shirt pocket. As for her backpack, Ten slipped it in his carry-on.

"I got your backpack." Ten said to Skylar

"Okay, thanks, Ten."

Skylar wasn't one hundred percent sure what was about to happen so she decided to sleep while Lucas, Ten, and Taeyong figured out her situation.

"I'm gonna sleep for a bit." Sky told the boys.

"Ok!" Ten responded.

Skylar closed her eyes and hugged Sunny, her octopus plushie.

(Lucas's POV)

"I'm gonna sleep for a bit." Skylar told us.

"Ok!" Ten replied.

"Hey Ten, do you think we should tell Mark about Skylar now?" I knew Mark was next door.

"I don't know. Maybe we should wait a bit." Ten had a hesitant tone in his voice when he said this.

I shrugged and grabbed my backpack and suitcase.

(Nobody's POV)

Lucas and Ten were finally ready to head down to the hotel lobby. With bags in hand, they headed to the other boys' rooms. On the way to Baekhyun and Taemin's room, they ran into Mark, Taeyong, and Kai.

"We were just gonna check to see if Baekhyun and Taemin were ready to go." Lucas explained.

"We were about to do the same thing!" Mark let out a small chuckle. Everyone else couldn't help but smile a little because of Mark's contagious laugh. Just then,Taemin and Baekhyun opened their door. They had all their stuff as well.

"Alrighty! I guess we're all ready to leave. We can head to the lobby together." Mark smiled.

After making their way down to the lobby, SuperM found some comfy couches to sit on while waiting for their drivers to come.

"What is the first thing you guys wanna do when we get back to Seoul?" Baekhyun asked the other boys.

"Sleep." Taemin said.

Everyone laughed at this.

"What? I'm tired!" Taemin couldn't help but smile a little himself when saying that he was tired.

Just then, SuperM's drivers pulled up at the front of the hotel. "Let's go!" Mark exclaimed.

The boys got into the cars. Lucas, Taeyong, and Ten all got in the same black minivan.

"Hey Sky. How are you doing?" Lucas gently pulled Sklyar out of his shirt pocket.

She yawned. "I'm hangin in there," Skylar said sleepily.

"Did you really fall asleep that fast?" Ten was a bit surprised.

"Yeah," Sky blushed a little. "I can usually fall asleep pretty fast."

"Oh. Did we wake you?" Taeyong asked.

"Yes, but it's fine. I'll probably have more time to sleep on the plane."

"Yeah. It's a longgg flight."

"How long?"

"About 9 hours."

"9 hours?!"

"9 hours."

"I guess I'll have plenty of time to sleep then." Skylar smiled.

Ten chuckled softly. "Exactly."

"Hey, uhm Skylar?" Taeyong said, looking at Sky.


"I don't think I got the chance to hold you. Could I maybe do that?"

"Of course."

Lucas held out his hand to let Taeyong hold Skylar. She climbed onto Tae's hand and sat down cross-legged. Taeyong let out a small chuckle.

"Skylar, your freckles are so cute." He smiled at her



"Oh, um, thanks?" Skylar blushed. She had never gotten such a compliment. As the airport came into view, Lucas gently picked up Skylar and put her in his shirt pocket. "We're nearly there." He said. Just then, the minivan pulled up to the airport.

My Not - So Secret Life (Multifandom)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن