Chapter 9 - Dinner With the Dreamies

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NCT Dream was gathered in the kitchen. Skylar was sitting on the counter watching the chaos unfold.

"Mark! You have to keep stirring the sugar or it will burn!" Chenle yelled

"I'm trying!"

"Well try harder!"

Meanwhile, Jisung was attempting to smooth out the dough for the mochi. He added more flour to keep the dough from sticking to the pan he would put the dessert on when it was done. Crash! The flour bowl fell on the floor.

Skylar started coughing. Renjun looked over to see Skylar covered in flour. He couldn't help but laugh a little. "Are you okay?" He giggled

"Yes. But I'm a little powdery." Skylar motioned to the flour she was now covered in.

"I'm so sorry!" Jisung realized he had accidentally gotten flour on Skylar.

"I'll take you to my bathroom so you can wash up." Renjun said

"Okay." Sky replied. She stepped onto Renjuns hand and he carried her to his room.

Renjun placed Skylar on his bathroom counter along with her bag.

"I'm going to work on dinner right now. I'll come back in twenty minutes." Renjun told her.

"Okay," Sky replied

-Time Skip -

"I'm back! Can I come in?" Renjun called from outside the bathroom.

"Yeah." Skylar called back.

Renjun opened the door and walked into the bathroom. "You changed clothes?" He said, looking at Skylar's new outfit which was a pair of jeggings and a tie-dye shirt.

"Yes.. The dirty ones are over there." Skylar pointed to her powdery clothes.

"Ok. I'll wash them for you later."

"Really? Thanks!"

"Not a problem. Oh, by the way, dinner is ready."

"It smells good." Skylar smiled

"Thanks! Anyways, let's go to the dining room. Haechan is here." Renjun softy smiled

He put out a hand on the counter. Skylar stepped onto it. Renjun lifted Skylar up onto his shoulder. "Is this okay?" He asked Skylar.

"It's a little high, but I'll manage." She replied

Renjun took Skylar to the dining room. "Haechan! I want you to meet some-" Renjun slipped on some of the remaining flour on the floor.

Splash! Skylar fell into Haechan's glass of water. Haechan's mouth fell open. He was lost for words.

"Skylar!" Renjun rushed over to Haechan's cup. "Oh my gosh! Are you okay?!" He asked in a suddenly panicked voice.

Skylar came to the surface. "I'm fine. I can swim, you know."

"Oh good." Renjun let out a relieved sigh.

"Haechan, this is who I wanted you to meet."

"Hi. I'm Skylar." Sky said shyly

"I-I'm H-Haechan." Haechan managed to stutter. He was in absolute shock.

Skylar climbed out of the cup and sat on the counter. Renjun got up and grabbed a paper towel. He ripped it into a smaller piece and handed it to Skylar. "You can use this to dry off." He said to her.

"Thanks." Skylar replied

As Skylar was drying off, Mark, Jaemin, Jeno, and Chenle came into the room. They were carrying dinner. "Ta-da!"

"Wow!" Haechan smiled

After everyone had gotten seated at the table, Haechan turned to Skylar, who was sitting on the table next to Renjun.

"So, Skylar. How exactly did you get so small?" Haechan asked

"I don't know. It all happened like yesterday."


"Mmm hmm."

"Well you'll be living with the Dreamies for now, but if it ever gets too chaotic, Mark and I can switch you out to be living with 127." Haechan smiled

"127?" Skylar asked

"Yeah, it's a name for the other unit I'm in. It's called NCT 127."

"Oh. How many members are there in NCT 127?"

"Well you know me, Taeyong, and Mark. And then there's Doyoung, Johnny, Jungwoo, Yuta, Jaehyun, and Taeil."

"Ah okay."

"We should introduce you to them tomorrow!"

"I'd be up for that." After Skylar spoke, her stomach growled.

"Are you hungry? Here, eat." Mark cut a small piece (which wasn't small for Skylar) of steak and gave it to her."

"Thanks." Sky said

She bit into the steak

"Mmm! It's really good!" She exclaimed

"Thank you! I helped cook and prepare it." Jeno smiled. His eyes made half-moon shapes when he did this.

"Try the rice I made." Jisung offered Skylar some rice.

"Ok." She replied. Skylar took a grain and tasted it.

"Wow! You guys are amazing cooks."

"I wouldn't say amazing." Renjun blushed.

For the rest of dinner everyone spent time talking and laughing.

"I'm so full but in the best way possible. Thanks so much for dinner." Skylar smiled

"Well, you are our new dormate after all." Jaemin said

"Hate to interrupt, but Haechan and I have to head back to our dorms for the night. You should get to meet 127 tommorow during or after schedules." Mark said

"Ah, okay. Bye guys!" Skylar waved at Mark and Haechan as they left.

"Bye!" Haechan smiled at Skylar before leaving.

When Mark and Haechan had left, the boys started to clean up dinner.

"I can help too, you know." Skylar said as she kicked her legs that were dangling off the kitchen countertop.

"You don't have to, besides, you just had a long flight. You need to rest."

"If you say so."

-Time Skip -

Skylar had gotten into her pjs and was waiting for Renjun to come upstairs. Just then, Renjun entered the room. He was wearing a t-shirt and sweatpants. He had a pillow in his hands.

"I have your bed." Renjun made air quotes around 'bed'

He placed it on a chair in his room. Then, Renjun picked up Skylar and gently put her on the pillow.

"Thanks." Sky said

"Mmm hmm." Renjun flicked off the lights and climbed into his bed.

"Goodnight Skylar."

"Night Renjun."

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