Chapter 17 - Uh Oh

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"Guys? Please say something."

Nobody said a word. They all just stood there looking at each other with wide eyes.

"I guess we lost Skylar." Jeno finally mumbled.

"What?" Taeyong was full-on panicking now. "Who was the last person that had her? Where was that? Did she say anything about going anywhere?" Taeyong let out a rapid-fire of questions

Meanwhile, Renjun was muttering something in Chinese to himself.

"Let's all just calm down and figure this out together. Skylar couldn't have gone far," Mark said, taking charge of the situation. "We should retrace our steps. So we'll split into pairs and meet back here in twenty minutes. Jisung and Jeno are together, Taeyong and Sungchan, and I'll look for her with Renjun."

Everyone nodded and split up into the pairs Mark had just assigned. Taeyong and Sungchan decided to start at the manta ray exhibit. They looked all around the room, and even examined the tank.

Meanwhile, Jisung and Jeno started at the jellyfish room. They looked around the room as well and checked the gift shop next.

"Hello boys! Can I help you find anything?" The employee at the cashier asked the two.

"Yes actually. We were looking for-" Jisung was stopped by Jeno.

"We can't tell anyone about Skylar," Jeno whispered to Jisung. "Besides, she'd think we were crazy anyways."

"Never mind!" Jisung smiled at the cashier and began to look around the gift shop for their tiny friend.

As the two were looking on various shelves, another aquarium employee approached the cashier and whispered something in her ear. Her expression changed.

"The reef tank?!" She said with a shocked expression suddenly painted on her face.

The other employee nodded. Then, the cashier walked over to where Jisung and Jeno were.

"I'm sorry boys, but something's come up, so the gift shop is closing early." She told them.

Jisung and Jeno exchanged glances and nodded at the cashier. They exited the gift shop area and sat down on a nearby bench.

"I wonder what happened." Jeno commented

"Same." Jisung replied

While Jeno and Jisung were taking a short break, Mark and Renjun made their way to the coral reef exhibit. When they got there, an employee informed them that there had been a situation and that the reef exhibit was closed for the day.

Mark and Renjun were about to go to the beluga whale exhibit when they heard two employees chatting.

"Wait, so what happened again?" One of them said to the other

"I went to feed the turtles when I saw it. I thought nothing of it, but then I realized that it was a girl. But like a tiny girl."

This made Renjun's ears perk up. "Excuse me, but did you say tiny girl?" He made his way over to the employees.

"What?" The employees tried to lie, but Renjun saw right through them.

"Just tell me what happened to her."

"And why would we tell you that?"

"Because Skylar is my friend and I don't want bad things to happen to her. She's been through enough already, so just tell me what happened to her."

"Fine. Follow us." The two employees sighed and began to walk.

Renjun motioned for Mark to join him.

The employees lead the duo to a room. The read "STAFF ONLY" but this time was an exception. They entered the room and saw tanks around the room.

"Why are there fishtanks in here? Shouldn't they be on display?" Mark questioned the employees.

"These are quarantine tanks for fish that are sick or injured. We help them get better but most of them won't make it in the while even when they are healthy, so we put them in bigger tanks for visiters to see." One of the employees explained

"So where is Skylar?" Renjun asked

"Ah, yes that tiny girl."

Renjun and Mark followed the employees to a metal counter with all sorts of tools on it.

When the two saw her, they gasped.

"What did you do to her?!" Mark angrily demanded

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