Chapter 10 - Skylar?

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(Skylar's POV)

I was still half asleep when Renjun went to tell me there was breakfast.

"Good morning. There's breakfast." He has said to me

"Renjun, it's 7am." I replied groggily

"Yeah, but I was going to take you to schedules."

"What even are schedules?"

"They are what our company wants us to do for that day. Today I have to do dance practice with most of the other members. I'll take you to the dance studio and you can watch."

"Cool. When do these so-called 'schedules' even start?" I was kinda grumpy since the time zones had switched so I was still dealing with a bit of jet lag.

Renjun picked me up and took me to the kitchen. There were strawberries, reheated steak (from last night), and rice on the counter. "Wow that looks so yummy!" I clapped my hands in excitement.

"I know." He replied with a smile.

"Also when does your schedule start?"

"We should leave by 7:45 at the latest."

After Renjun had gotten me some food, I sat down on the table and began to eat. Even though the steak was reheated, it was still delicious. Renjun got some food for himself.

We were both sitting and enjoying our food and the silence, when it was suddenly broken by a loud shout.

It came from Jisung. "Hyung, Jaemin woke me up again!" Jisung stormed into the kitchen.

"I was trying to wake you up nicely." Jaemin followed Jisung into the kitchen.

"Laying down on top of me isn't a nice way to wake someone up!"


"It's fine. Anyways, what's for breakfast?" Jisung asked Renjun

I was surprised at how quickly Jisung and Jaemin had stopped fighting.

Renjun must've noticed because he said; "They're just like this. Don't worry, they love each other very much."

"Ahh okay."

"Jisung, there's steak, strawberries, and rice over there." Renjun pointed to the countertop where breakfast was.

"Cool." Jisung said as he grabbed a plate.

Jaemin followed the younger boy and got a plate as well.

After Jaemin and Jisung were seated, they began to eat breakfast.

"Hyung, this is really good!" Jisung said with a mouth full of rice.

-Time skip -

After everyone had eaten breakfast and gotten dressed, we waited for their drivers to come. I had changed into a blue t-shirt and jeans and was sitting on Renjun's shoulder.

"Why do you get to hold Skylar? I wanna hold her." Jaemin whined.

He said this as if I was some sort of toy.

"Because I'm letting him. I'm not a toy you know." I replied to Jaemin

"Sorry." Jaemin blushed

"I forgive you. I guess this isn't really normal for any of us. But if you really want to hold me then be my guest. Just don't drop me."

Jaemin smiled and gently scooped me up and placed me on his head?! I was thrown off by this. I'm also not a big fan of high things so I tried not to look down. But for some reason, I did. The height was dizzying, at least to me. I closed my eyes and tried to regulate my breathing. Even though I was sitting down, I still felt sick. It wasn't anyone's fault, it was just my fear of heights.

Sitting on Renjun's shoulder was pushing it a bit, but this put me on edge. My palms began to sweat and I could practically feel the color draining from my face.

(Nobody's POV)

"Is Skylar okay?" Chenle pointed to Skylar.

Renjun picked up Skylar and had her in his hands. He noticed that she looked extremely pale in the face.

"Skylar?" Jaemin wasn't smiling anymore. He was genuinely concerned for her.

Skylar didn't reply.

"She's shaking. Like a lot." Renjun said

Everyone had stopped what they were doing to see if Skylar was okay.

"Even though we haven't known her for that long, something is definitely wrong." Jeno said.

"What do we do?" Chenle asked

"We should call Mark. He'll know what to do." Jaemin said.

Jaemin pulled out his phone and punched in Mark's number.

After a few tries, Jaemin sighed. "He's not picking up." He said anxiously.

"Try Haechan." Renjun suggested.

"Please pick up." Jaemin muttered as he dialed Haechan's phone.

"Hello?" Jaemin said after hearing Haechan pick up

"Hi. I'm on my way to practice so you're on speaker." Haechan said.

"It's Skylar."

"Skylar? Is everything okay?"

"Actually, it's not."

"What happened? Is she hurt?" Haechan was now worried.

"I don't know. She's pale, shaky, and she's not responding to us."

"Have your drivers come yet?"

Just then, two black minivans pulled up.

"They just did."

"I just arrived at the building. I know all the WayV members, Shotaro, and Sungchan are already here."


The Dreamies got into the vans.

"I'm going to hang up now, I'll be in the big practice room with the other members. When you get to the building, go right there. Taeyong might know what to do."

"Okay, bye."


After the cars pulled up to the SM building, the dreamies quickly got out of the cars and hurried into the building. When they got to the practice room, Skylar was still unresponsive and shaking.

"Is that Skylar? What happened?" Taeyong said as he ran over to Renjun who was still holding her.

"I don't know. Jaemin was holding her and then she got like this all the sudden."

After Lucas realized what was happening, he came over to Renjun. Renjun gently handed her to Lucas. Lucas went outside the practice room.

"Skylar?" He quietly said. "Take a deep breath. Like this." Lucas inhaled and then exhaled.

Skylar did the same.

"You're okay." He said

Lucas helped Skylar take a few more deep breaths.

"Are you okay?" He asked her.

"I think so." Skylar quietly said

"What exactly happened?"

"I don't know. I guess I just freaked out, I don't know why, but I did."

"Do you wanna go back inside now?"

"I think so."

Lucas brought Skylar back into the practice room to be met by a room full of shocked expressions.

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