Chapter 8 - The Dream Team (Part 2)

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(Skylar's POV)


My eyes fluttered open. Kai gently tapped me.

I had been sleeping again. Luckily, I don't recall the dream I'd had this time.

"Hmm?" I sleepily said.

"The plane is gonna land soon."

"Oh, okay." I replied.

"Hello passengers, this is your captain speaking. The plane is going to land shortly so please turn your devices to airplane mode and begin to gather your belongings. Thank you." The pilot said over the PA speaker.

(Nobody's POV)

Mark tapped Lucas on the shoulder. "Lucas. Wake up. We're about to land."

Lucas slowly opened his eyes. Meanwhile, Ten closed his book and put it in his backpack.

Baekhyun stretched and took out his earbuds. "I finished watching the drama." He said to Skylar.

"Cool! Was it good?" Sky replied.


"That's good to hear."

"By the way, what are your interests?" Kai asked Skylar, trying to make conversation

"I really like sea animals. If I go to college, I wanna study marine biology."

"Cool! What is your favorite sea animal?"

"Beluga whales! I love them so much they are adorable. My dream is to swim with one."

Skylar and Kai's conversation was interrupted by a sound on the plane that meant to fasten your seatbelts.

At the airport -

Skylar was chilling in Lucas's bag. She could hear lots of excited conversation.

"I didn't realise how popular SuperM was." Skylar thought.

"Hi Lucas!"

"Omg it's SuperM!"

"Baekhyun, marry me!"

Were some of the things Skylar heard. This sound continued for about 10 minutes until it stopped. She heard a car door close. After a few minutes, Lucas opened his bag and peered in at Skylar.

"You okay? I know loud crowds can be overwhelming to some people."

"I'm fine. Thanks for asking." Sky replied to Lucas

"Are you still feeling up to meeting one of our units?"

"How many members are in it?"

"Seven, and you've already met Mark. So that makes six."

"I'm down for meeting some new people. What are their names?"

"There's Renjun, Chenle, Jisung, Haechan, Jeno, and Jaemin."

"They sound fun."

"Don't worry, they are."

The car stopped.

"Looks like we're here!"

"This isn't my dorm, so I'm going to hand you off here."

Lucas scooped up Skylar and handed her to Mark, who then put her in his backpack.

Mark grabbed the bag Skylar was in and unlocked the door.

"Mark's home!" Skylar heard someone yell. It was Renjun.

The NCT Dream members ran to Mark like a group of puppies. The boys happily embraced him.

"Haechan will be thrilled to see you." Jaemin smiled.

"I have something to show you guys. I just need to put down my luggage first." Mark said

"Ok." Renjun said

"Do you think he's gonna introduce us to Skylar?" Jisung whispered to Chenle

"Hopefully. I really want to meet her." Chenle whispered back.

Mark went into another room and took Skylar out of his bag.

"Are you ready to do this?" Mark asked Skylar.

"Ready as I'll ever be." Sky replied.

Skylar took a deep breath. She was actually quite nervous to meet these guys. What if they didn't like her?

Mark exited his room and went to the living room. "The something I wanted to show you is actually a someone. Guys, this is Skylar."

Mark showed off Skylar. She waved shyly as Jeno, Renjun, and Jaemin's mouths dropped open. There was a moment of silence before Jisung spoke.

"Hi Skylar! I'm Jisung and Chenle and I have been looking forward to meeting you."

"Jisung told me that he thinks you're cute."

"Stopp I didn't say that!" Jisung turned a bright red at Chenle's comment.

Skylar chuckled at Chenle's teasing.

"How'd you get so small? Were you born like that?" Jaemin questioned

"I honestly don't know. This all started like yesterday." Skylar replied

"Well we're gonna help you figure it out. You're my new roommate after all." Renjun smiled.

"Uhm, I think she should stay in my room." Jeno said

"Skylar isn't staying at our dorms. She's going to be staying in Lucas's room at WayV's dorm." Mark explained.

"Guys, I'm right here! Shouldn't I get a say in this?" Skylar looked up at Mark.

"Sorry. Skylar, who would you like to room with?" Mark said.

"I don't know yet. I guess I'll stay in, what's your name?" She looked at Renjun.

"Renjun." He replied

"Renjun's room. If he offered it first, then might as well accept the offer."

"Then it's settled! Skylar stays in my room."

"Do you have stuff you need to unpack?" Renjun asked Skylar.

"I have a backpack and a plushie." Skylar replied

"Here they are." Mark handed Renjun Skylar's bag and plush.

"Thanks. I'll go put them in my room." Renjun replied as he got up to go to his room.

He placed Skylar's stuff on his dresser and headed back to the living room where the boys were gathered.

"Is Haechan coming over still?" Mark asked when Renjun came back.

"Yeah. We have to start making dinner soon." Jaemin replied

"What are y'all gonna make?"

"We're going to reheat some kimchi, make some rice, and cook some steak. For dessert we're having mochi and dalgonga."

"That sounds so good! We can introduce Skylar over dinner."

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