Chapter 13 - Close Calls

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"Know about who?" It was Taeyeon. She was standing right outside the door

"Uhm, It's nothing." Key said, quickly standing in the doorway to hide NCT from Taeyeon's view

"Are you sure?"


"If you say so." She hesitantly said, "Anyways, can you guys please be quieter? I could hear you from the next room over."

"We will. Sorry."

After Taeyeon had left, Key gave a death stare to the members of NCT.

"You need to be more careful! You guys could've been seen!"

The members bowed their heads in an apologetic manner as Key scolded them. He noticed the guilty looks on their faces and started to feel bad.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have yelled."

"It's fine. We were being irresponsible, so we deserved it." Mark said

"On a completely unrelated note, where's Skylar? She should be back by now."

(Skylar's POV)

I panicked when I heard what Baekhyun said about Shinee using the practice room. They couldn't find out about me! 26 people already knew my secret and I didn't want to make it 29. Besides, I was the one with the bracelet so NCT had no way of returning to normal size without my help. I frantically pushed the button for the basement floor.

When the elevator doors opened, Baekhyun and I dashed down the hall. When we reached room 6, the room NCT was in, I practically bashed down the door. "Guys! I need to unshrink you now! Shinee's gonna use this room and-" I stopped mid sentence. The members were already there.

They were laughing and playing with NCT. Onew had turned his hand into a slide and the NCT maknaes were giggling and sliding down it. Meanwhile Key was letting Ten climb his arm. It was a strange sight. "What the hell?" I heard Baekhyun mutter under his breath.

"So this is Skylar." Minho said, trying to break the awkwardness with a bit of his flaming charisma.

"Yep, that's me." I said, smiling awkwardly.

Everyone had stopped messing around and now had their eyes on me.

"Let's get everyone back to normal size, and then we can talk about this whole situation." I said

"Okay. While you're doing that, I'll get Kai." Baekhyun said before he left the practice room.

"You guys might want to step back." I said to Shinee. They immediately did so.

I closed my eyes and imagined each member of NCT, I inhaled and exhaled a few times to calm my racing heart. This was the first time I'd done this with an audience. I pushed the red button on my bracelet and kept my eyes shut for a few seconds.

"It worked." Someone said, I believe that it was Renjun that said it.

I opened my eyes, and saw that everyone had gotten back to normal.

"Good." I stood up and dusted off my pants.

There was a knock on the door. "It's Baekhyun and Kai." They said in unison.

Taemin went over to the door and opened it.

"Now that everyone's here, let's talk." Taeyong said, his leader instincts kicking in.

Everyone made a circle on the floor of the room. Renjun picked me up before sitting down next to Key.

"I'm Kibum, but everyone calls me Key." He said to me

"I know." I replied

"You do?"

"I did my research." I said with a smug smile and a flip of my pink hair.

This made Key chuckle softly.

"So, now that everyone knows about Skylar, we need to not tell anybody else. I'm worried that we might lose her if we do." Ten said

This made me frown.

"So what am I supposed to do? Just stay hidden all the time?" I questioned. I wanted to see the world and I thought that maybe I'd have a chance to finally do it.

"You're not going to have to be hidden all the time, it's just that we need to be careful." Renjun patted my head.

"Yeah, I mean 29 people know your secret now." Yuta replied.

"And the other EXO members are bound to find out about you." Baekhyun said

"I guess my secret little life isn't so secret anymore."

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