Chapter 15 - Suprise!

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After Mark had texted Baekhyun, he told the other NCT members about his plan to surprise Skylar with an aquarium visit. They all thought it was a great idea and they decided who should go. It was decided that Renjun, Taeyong, Sungchan, Jisung, Mark, and Jeno should all go.

Today was the day that they were going to the aquarium. Mark bought the tickets the night before.

"Skylar. Wake up." Renjun softly called to the girl, trying to wake her up as nicely as possible.

"Ughhh It's seven in the morning. Why do I need to get up?" Skylar whined

"Because we're going somewhere today," He smiled at her "Also, I have a present for you. But you need to get up and eat breakfast first."

"Okay..." Skylar sat up and allowed Renjun to pick her up and take her to the kitchen.

Jeno was frying eggs.

"Morning Renjun!" Jeno smiled

"Good morning! Is Jisung awake yet?"

"Not yet. Could you go wake up Jisung?"

"Sure." Renjun placed Skylar on the counter and went into Jisung and Jaemin's room.

"Jisung, wake up." Renjun shook the younger boy's shoulder, trying not to wake up a sleeping Jaemin.

Jisung stirred in his sleep, but got right up after Renjun told him that there was breakfast.

"Hi Skylar! Did you sleep well?" Jisung smiled when he saw her.

"Not really."

"You should have some time to sleep in the car."

"The car? Where are we even going today?"

"It's a supriseee." Jeno sing-songed

At this time, breakfast was ready. Jeno set the eggs and sausage on the counter, along with some plates. Renjun placed Skylar on the table and got her some food which he placed on a napkin for her.

"Thanks!" Skylar smiled at him

The boys got their food and sat down at the table.

"Jeno, this is actually good!" Renjun commented

"I don't know if that was a compliment or an insult." Jeno replied

Skylar giggled which made Renjun smile. He hadn't seen her smile for the past day, so he was happy to see the tiny girl in a better mood. When they had finished breakfast, Jeno pulled out a small box.

"This is the start of your surprise." He gave Skylar the box while smiling at her. She opened the box and pulled out a pastel blue sailor outfit that was just the right size for her.

"I love it!" Skylar ran across the table and hugged Jeno's finger. He let out a small chuckle.

"Do you wanna put it on?" Renjun asked her.

"Yeah!" Skylar hopped on Renjun's hand and he brought her to the bathroom to change.

After Skylar was done changing, she called for someone to get her. Jisung opened the door and smiled when he saw Skylar. She looked so cute!! He brought her to the living room where Renjun and Jeno were waiting for them.

"Are you ready to go?" Jeno asked

"Mmm hmm." Jisung replied

"Omg! Skylar, you look so cute!" Renjun exclaimed when he saw Skylar's outfit change.

"Thanks," She blushed. "It's already 8:30. Shouldn't we get going?" Skylar quickly said, changing the subject.

"Yes! Thanks for reminding us!" Renjun said and placed the mini girl on his shoulder. Skylar nuzzled up to his neck which made Renjun stop himself from squealing with happiness. Jeno shot heart eyes at the two because of how cute Skylar was being this morning.

When the boys had arrived at the coffee shop everyone had agreed to meet at, they waved at Taeyong, Sungchan, and Mark who were waiting outside for them. "Does everybody have everything?" Taeyong asked the group.

"Yes!" They responded in unison.

"Mark, do you have the tickets?"

"I have them right here." Mark held up some tickets

"Where are you guys even taking me?" Skylar asked

"You'll see when we get there."

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