Attack on Scuttle Town

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(A/N): English is not my language, so if you find a grammatical error let me know; 🇧🇷

Narrator On




Explosions after explosions echoed from the Scuttle Town docks.

Citizens ran in fear trying to find a safe place to hide.

People ran screaming, children cried in terror, several wounded were carried away from the attack area.

Scuttle Town had already been the target of many attacks, but this one was different.

Several of Ammo Baron's soldiers invaded the poor town, plundering the people, destroying everything and attacking anyone who tried to oppose them.

Shantae ran through the city streets heading towards the pier where the invaders were entering.

As Shantae followed her path she met several of Ammo Baron's soldiers who upon seeing her attacked her with their pistols and brandished their swords trying everything to stop the girl.

The soldiers had already lost count of how many times the half-genie had ended their boss's plans and each time Ammo Baron was humiliatingly defeated.

Ammo Baron wanted revenge for that, his hatred was so great that he offered a reward to his soldiers: The one who ends the half-genie headache would get a big promotion, would become one of his most respected generals.

The soldiers seeing Shantae in front of them didn't waste any time, they all started to go after the girl using everything they had to defeat her.

Shantae poor, took a hell of a scare when all the soldiers attacked her trying to cut and stab her with their swords and knives, others started shooting at the girl hoping to hit her, luckily none of them managed to hit her.

Shantae dodged the bullets, dodged the swords that the soldiers brandished against her, always counter-attacking by whipping her hair on the soldiers, knocking some and throwing others far making them hit walls or even throwing them on top of their companions.

But the whole thing was starting to get tough for Shantae, with every soldier she shot, three more showed up to attack her. She had to back off.

Shantae: (Thoughts) Do n't these guys ever give up?! Doesn't matter how many I defeat always appear more?!

Shantae saw a pile of crates almost 10 feet high leaning against the wall of a house, an idea crossed her mind.

Shantae: (Thoughts) I know!

She ran towards the boxes, took a leap towards them and started to climb them, being followed by some soldiers.

Upon reaching the top of the pile Shantae jumped to the roof of the house, she then turned and started pushing the boxes causing the pile to start swaying from side to side until it started to tilt.

The soldiers who climbed the crates, poor things, they barely had time to react. As they looked up, the only thing they had time to see was the girl pushing the pile of crates that began to tip.

Soldier 1: Oh no.


Shantae: TIMBER!!!


The crates began to fall from the huge pile hitting several of the invaders below, the others that were going up began to fall along with the rest of the pile of crates that had broken and buried the rest of the men below.

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