12. Extra lessons

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Y/N woke up the morning of Monday, the training camp ended and so did his attitude towards the members of the bicycle club. He still teased and gave unwanted criticism but nothing too horrendous. Its 6am, an hour before school started. Y/N decided to change into his uniform and go on his dad's bike to school.
'Heard the interhigh is gonna start soon.. i wonder how it'll turn out." He thought as he rode all the way to school. His thoughts snapped when he finally made it to his worst nightmare. THE HILL PART OF THE SCHOOL. He hated this part with all his bones. He sighed, gulping back his yells of frustration. He put his feet back on and endured the pain of climbing. He wanted to curse out every student who passed by laughing at him.
'Those bitches, Laughin at me like their so fuckin special.'
He mentally stated as he finally made it to the enterence, grateful that the pain had ended. He parked his bike in the bike park and went to study. His first class was Japanese history. Another thing he hated and tried to skip through by sleeping, unfortunately the teacher hated his guts and kept an eye on him at all times to make sure he didn't sleep.
"Y/N get up." The teacher said as Y/N tried to catch some Zs. "Yes Sensei." He said putting his head up. "Good now yes where were we?" Y/N looked at his history book. They were studying about Samurai's starting  with the chapter 'life of Miyamoto Musashi: The greatest Samurai' The chapter was interesting but the teacher made it seem so boring.


The bell had rang. Finally freedom from that class. Y/N made it towards his other classes. He didn't enjoy any of them ESPICALLY BIOLOGY. How much he hated it could not be described in words. And it was his last class before going for club duties so he was displeased as hell when the teacher gave him a tutor for the subject he didn't need to learn.

"Why? It's not like i need some dumb tutor!"

"Y/N don't talk back to me, this is for your knowledge. I don't gain anything from this."

The teacher responded to Y/N. He groaned as he walked out of class, cursing under his breath. He decided before he meets his new 'tutor', he should get himself some refreshing orange soda. He walked to the corner behind the school to go to the vending machine. Near the library where him and his tutor would meet. He saw Makishima there. "Oh hey Maki san." Y/N says, waving to him. "Hey Y/N." He replies looking at his phone. 'Okay ignore me.' Y/N thought as he got some yen from his pocket to get some orange soda of his.
He waited, the orange soda slot opened. 'Come on.' He thought as the orange soda leaned onto the glass and stopped.....
Makishima was caught off guard by Y/N's screech and furious attacks on the vending machine.

Makishima looked at him in surprise, not even Tadokoro would get that mad at that.
He stared at Y/N shaking the machine vigorously trying to get his money's worth. Makishima sighed as he got up. "Chill Y/N."
Makishima slightly hit the side of the machine and the orange soda came down. Y/N looked stunned. "You see, you were shaking the machine only giving to space to go forward and backwards. Pushing to the side gave it more space to drop. Maybe you'd know that if you paid attention in class you'd know all this."

Makishima said taking out a biology book. "I'm not fond of bio but you needa learn this." Makishima said. Y/N still wa startled but he didn't say anything.

"Sit down already and stop staring at me." Makishima said sitting back down. Y/N sat down. "You're teaching me?? Dont mind this but you look like the kinda guy to be terrible at these things." Y/N said. "Sho, you think yur senpais are just mindless athletes?" Makishima responded quite offended by Y/N's remarks. "I mean... I'd be lying if i said i didn't." Y/N giggled.

"Well for your knowledge, only Tadokoro has failed some of his exams otherwise Kinjou and I focus well on school." Makishima said. "Sounds narcissistic but okay." Y/N replied.
"Well why don't we just get this shit over with?" Y/N said as he opened his book and note book. "What do you need help in." Makishima asked. "Just this part for now. Been confusing me for the past few days." He asked, pointing at the question about anaerobic respiration in Plants." Makishima pulled his hair back into a loose ponytail as he started explaining. Y/N understood somethings but some stuff went in one ear out the other. "Wait wait go back to the part of how respiration takes place in plants." Makishima sighed and explained again. He got a grip on it and started doing some questions Makishima gave him. "You have 20 minutes." Makishima said, Y/N was about to complain but he didn't want to waste anytime now. He started doing it, trying his best and finally. "10, 9, 8, 7--"
"DONE!!" Y/N yelled passing the paper over. "Good let me check now." Makishima said taking the paper in hand. Y/N smiled expectantly. "Well..." Makishima glanced at the paper. "Its okay but.."
"But??" Y/N asked.
"You did great but you do realize how bad your writing and presentation is right???" Makishima said. Y/N froze for a sec. His hand writing was bad but he wasn't ready for all th other stuff he'd start saying. "And your question about Stomata was so easy, you learnt this in 6th grade."
It fet like arrows in his back. Makishima went on but soon he stopped due to a call. "And- oh one sec." Makishima excused himself as he picked up the phone. Y/N was so thankful that someone stopped Maki from ruining his precious ego.

"Yeah?? Toudou, i can't- No!!" Y/N over heard Makishima saying. It seemed he was talking with a friend. "Bring him along? Hmm seems good ill have to ask."

'Dont be me dont be me don-'

"Y/N would you like to come with me somewhere?"
It was for him. He sighed as he packed his bag up. "Sure Maki san but i need to ve back by 8pm." Y/N said. "Okay great."
"Yeah hes coming! I'll come over in 30 minutes, now sho." He said ending the call.

"We're going to Hakone Gakune. That okay?" Makishima asked. 'That far??' He decided to join along with him. "Fine but only for a little bit, the ride back has too many hills."
Y/N complained. Makishima gave a light smile to Y/N. "That's the best part."

Some Maki and you interactions cause mwah

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2021 ⏰

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