Chapter 12 - Adonis

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"Have you given my words any thought?" Liam asked

I was in middle of some paperwork when this cretin decided to bring up tomorrow's fit of mine.

I was so mad, I still am. I felt embarrassed and humiliated that I can't even catch a single girl. I took 17 men and came back with 17 dead bodies and the money I had to spend on the café's repairs and to make the owner keep his trap shut was making more furious by the minute. One girl and a guy did this, just two of them.

"Depends on which ones you're talking about." I said

"Both of them." Liam said

"I honestly don't think it's possible to even trick her." I sighed putting down my pen

"We may never know until we give it a try." Liam smiled

"She single handedly killed more men in meeting me twice than I have in 10." I pointed out

"She must have trained like crazy to get there. Our world doesn't expect women to reach such heights... You can just see it when you talk to her father. He expects her to obey his every command, be a stupid little bitch but you can just see that she strikes fear even in him. It must have taken a lot of hardwork and blood to get there." Liam said

"I know but there's also this connection of hers with The Royal Mafia. I don't know what to make of it, which reminds me, have you looked into that Spider guy?" I said pinching the bridge of my nose

"I can't find anyone by such a name. It most probably an alias or something. What do you think she is going to do?" Liam asked

"I don't know." I sighed

Liam's phone chimed so he took it out to check. He furrowed his brows like there was something wrong.

"What's wrong?" I asked

"Turn on the news channel." Liam said

"Why?" I asked as I turned on the tv

"Billionaire Tristan Andrea found dead in his bed today morning. It has been established that this is the work of an exotic, highly venomous snake which is banned from being kept in captivity or bred as pets."

That was the breaking news going round and round on every new single news channel. I don't get what's such a big deal about this guy dying.

"Keep watching." Liam said

He must have seen the confused look on my face. I turned my attention back to the tv and then came the real shock, the actual big news.

"Let's talk to Mr. Andrea's fiancé and hear what she has to add." The reporter said

The camera shifted and the girl that came in the picture was the one I've been trying to find for so long. I just don't understand how, why or what of this situation.

"Ms. Jennings, I'm truly sorry for your loss. Could tells us a little bit about Mr. Andrea?"

This girl should be awarded an Oscar for her performance, she was sniffling, had crocodile tears running down her cheek, seemed like she would break down any moment now and the best part - she actually seemed in love with this dead guy.

"Tristan was such a sweetheart. He was gentle, kind, loving and passionate. He took very good care of me, protected me. To most people, it would seem like I'm talking about an entirely different person but the Tristan that I knew was the one he has always been with me. The one who loved me so dearly that he would do anything and everything to make sure I had a smile on my face every moment of my life." Aldora whimpered slightly as she answered the reporter

"Ms. Jennings, would you mind telling us a bit more about this snake that caused your fiancé's death?" The reporter asked

"I apologise for I don't know it's breed or type. Tristan had a habit of buying exotic animals for pets. There were many he had bought but I had convinced him that the best possible place for them would be the wild and so he let them go. Then, out of the blue, one day he told me that he was buying an exotic and rare snake. He had the permit and all ready. I tried to persuade him against it but failed. Just the other day, the snake had arrived, as much as I hate to admit this, it was an exquisite creature, very beautiful to look upon. We kept him in the glass cabinet but I was little too fearful to go near it when the cabinet was open to feed it. It had some small opening so that the air could flow and it won't suffocate to death. I guess, Tristan or one of the workers forgot to properly close the cabinet after feeding it yesterday evening and the snake found a way out." Aldora said, more tears appearing in her eyes

"Mind me asking, where were you yesterday evening Ms. Jennings?" The reporter asked

"I had been having trouble with my family recently so, my sister and I have been living in a rented apartment. Yesterday evening, I had cancelled my plans with Tristan so that I could spend some quality time with my sister." Aldora replied

"So, I presume you already know of Mr. Andrea's will then?" The reporter urged

"I knew there was a will but I never knew the contents of it. Tristan never told me but he had me sign as a witness. I had asked him to let me read it but he always refused, said that the only time I can hear it's content is when he's not around to protect me anymore. So, I let it go, I figured he must have decided to donate everything to orphanages or NGOs that may need it. He was extremely kind and always offered generous donations to many such places." Aldora shook her head

"Alright, thank you very much Ms. Jennings and once again we are truly sorry for your loss." The reporter said

An extremely sad and heartbroken Aldora was escorted out of the room before the camera focused back on the reporter.

"There you have it people. Ms. Aldora Jennings has already made it plenty clear that she neither knew the will of Mr. Andrea's nor is she interested in it but I will tell you a little something that our sources have told us. Mr. Andrea has left every single thing he owned and every penny he ever earned for Ms. Jennings. All that was his now belongs to her. Now, let us continue and talk to these officers right here and see if we can get any more details about Mr. Andrea's death..."

I droned out after the hearing the news. I couldn't believe what I had just heard. Aldora was now the sole owner of billions worth of property and what not.

"This is real mate. I guess venom really did do the trick." Liam answered

"What do you mean?" I asked

"One of the dead guy's middle names is Spider." Liam answered


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