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    You won't survive unless you are born in this lifestyle. It's not that easy.

    That's what she knew as well. Until one day, it all changed. She saved someone not knowing who it was and what dangers it held, she did it out of the goodness in her heart and he made her capable of being the most ruthless queen of this world.

    "Do you even know who you messed with?" She said pulling the guy by his hair

   She made him look in her eyes. The eyes everyone loved and hated at the same time. Her eyes could lie like no other, they could make you melt in a moment and they depicted such innocence, you can just fall in love with those silver pools that she called eyes.

    No matter what, her eyes are the last thing you wanted to see when she was enraged. Her eyes turned to slits and the intensity, they glared at you with made you wish for death.

   "You didn't even think before trying to betray me, did you?" She spat

   She let go of his hair and he fell on the steel chair with a thud. He groaned.

   "Oh poor baby, just this much has hurt you. I don't think you'll be able to handle what I'm about to do to you then." She said in a sickeningly sweet way

    Let alone, when he heard the excitement in her voice, he knew it was it the end for him. He was stupid to have gone against the most ruthless queen herself. He was a spy for the Italian Mafia. He was an idiot to think he can get out of this easily, not get caught. He just wished that death would consume him sooner rather than later.

   She removed her mask that was covering her face and kept on a table beside her. She went to the wall nearby. Oh, how she adored this wall, filled with all of her most favourite toys. She grabbed a small butterfly knife.

   She went back to the prisoner she had and tied him to the chair. He was smart, she'll give him that. He gave her enough trouble before being caught, at least now he knew that he was done for.

    She picked up the knife, dragging it along his ear. Blood trickled as continued to carve in his skin, deep but not deep enough to kill him yet. She sliced his right ear off as his screams echoed through the room bouncing off the walls.

   Oh! Such, sweet sounds. Extremely melodious to her ears. She just loved them. The screams of her tortured victims or in this case, still being tormented victim. She hadn't even started and he was already screaming like a Banshee. This was going to be fun.

   She took a pair of clippers, these were special clippers. Though they looked like any other clippers, they weren't. They didn't clip your nails, the part that does that was specifically blunted but not enough to do nothing. It was blunted enough to get a grip on the nail but not enough to cut it. Just perfect for plucking out a person's nails.

   She started with hands. One by one, slowly, she plucked out his nails, making it as painful as she can. Her favourite melody rang throughout the whole chambers. She did the same to his feet. Oh! The sweet smell of blood and melodious sounds of torture.

   She untied the idiot completely. He was panting as sweat covered his form. There was a small trickle of blood where she cut off his ear, well, it was small for her.

   She pushed him on the floor and got a spiky whip. Her most loved. She whipped his back mercilessly, his screams rung out through the chambers as she whipped him and his blood pooled on the floor. This was one of her most favourite sight when she was torturing her victims.

    Soon enough when she was satisfied with the blood she spilt she stopped. She brought a glass of salt water and poured it on his back. He screamed the loudest she had heard and proceeded to pas out. Oh! The sweet torment! Her time has ended.

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