Chapter 14 - Aldora

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   "Well, you heard her. She won't be leaving." I shrugged

"What kind of a sick joke is this? Amala you're coming home this instance and going through with your marriage." Joseph snapped

   "I believe that she just refused to go anywhere with you in the hindsight. You no longer have any right to say anything to her. Which marriage are you truly talking abou?" I said with finality

"She is betrothed to Elliott Grey." Adonis answered

   "You want her to marry a dead guy?" I asked amused

"D-dead?" Amala, Adonis and Joseph stuttered

  "Yes, dead. He crossed me so he is dead just like his partner, Ian Rodriguez. I believe Aldora had quite a lot of fun with the latter, I myself hadn't spilt so much blood." I said sinking back into my chair with a smirk

"When did this happen?" Adonis asked

  "I think last night." I shrugged

"So, I don't see how you can marry her to him." I said innocently

I could see the veins in Joseph's neck, it seemed like it would pop any moment. Adonis sat there shocked. No one spoke anything, I got bored and started spinning my chair.

  "There's a second reason for our visit." Adonis said finally

"What would that be?" I asked amused

  "I was hoping we could become allies, especially with the war." Adonis replied

"No." I said

  "No?" Adonis asked confused

"My mafia is not going to be part of the war. We don't like bloodbaths, we only attack when provoked and we annihilate our enemies." I explained

   "But I don't get it. We could benefit each other." Adonis said

"I don't see any benefit that you could provide me with that I don't already have." I yawned

  "Leave it. Goes to show how very weak this mafia's Queen truly is." Joseph goaded

"Your taunts do me absolutely nothing." I smiled

  "Why do you wear a mask?" Adonis asked

I see where he is going with it.

"Cause it's fun and it adds a little extra fear factor." I said casually

   "What happens when I find out who's behind that mask?" He taunted

I silently seethed. I couldn't break my calm composure and prove him right. How dare he? Who does he think he is, huh? He must have quite a death wish, cause he seems to be taunting his death.

  I leaned forward, as though whispering the most well kept secret, as though I've just found out the most juicy gossip around.

  "That will be the day you take your last breath." I whispered lowly, in a hushed voice

     "I look forward to it. We should get going now." Adonis said getting up to leave

"Escort them out and give them their weapons back." I said and left

  Adonis is so annoying. He truly has to do nothing but he manages to get on my nerves. I left and went back to my room and jumped on my bed proceeding to fall asleep. To deal with Adonis, I need patience, not strength and right now my patience is running thin.

    "Clear your thoughts, plan the next course of action." Papa's voice reached my ear

I turned around to find that Papa was leaning against the the frame of my door, just observing as per usual. I went and gave him a hug, ushering him and seating him on my bed while I sat on my bean bag.

"I already have it planned. Amala and I will leave soon to carry it out." I said

   "Then just relax, go over the upcoming deals and everything. Plan everything for the time when your plan is carried out." Papa advised

"Already done that. Beau knows what to do, if he runs into anything, he'll come find you. Clear instructions to contact me only in emergency." I sighed

  "I trained you well." Papa said proudly

"Of course, you did Papa." I smiled

    "Take a day off. You work too hard. Rest then pack, go over your plans when you wake up. Rest will do you good." Papa said getting up to leave

"Take care papa." I nodded

   With a kiss on my forehead, Papa left. I went over certain plans for a few hours before getting up to pack my stuff. Once I was done with packing, I checked over everything. I was in middle of another plan with the maps laid out in front of me when Amala walked in with her suitcase. Time to leave has come.

   "Are you sure they'll come?" Amala asked

"I know they will. You have trained hard these days but bear in mind that you will not slack off. What happens when we are in the beast's lair is not under our control yet. So, we must plan thoroughly when we get an idea of the lair's layout and inner workings. Rest assured, sister dearest, I will not let anything happen to you. We won't be there long but we need intel if our plans are to succeed. I won't let Italian Mafia pose any threat to my mafia." I reassured her

    "I pray that your plan works out." Amala sighed

"They never fail. We won't be there for more that two to three months. Plans to break us out when it's time are already set, a little more intel and we will have no worries of it's failure. They might try to torture one of us I order to get the other to talk. You will not give up anything absolutely at all." I said the warning undertone clear as the sky

   "I have just joined so I am not entitled to any important information." Amala recited

"Excellent." I clapped happily

    "Those people are foolish. They follow the breadcrumbs left so carefully with precision and planning that they don't even realise who truly holds the strings to this show." Amala snickered

"Let the mouse think it's the cat for a little while longer. An illusion only lasts as long as the one who controls it wishes for it to last. I enjoy this game far too much. Every move they make, every turn they take and every trail that they are tracking is anticipated and they don't realise it. Oh, how I wish that I could anticipate their reactions when they find out the truth." I chuckled

    "That day is what I await. Joseph will be harder to deal with once we are in the Italian Mafia's territory." Amala said

"Not as hard as you realise. He is nothing but mere prey and he fears the power of the predator. Whether he likes to admit or not is another discussion in it's entirety." I smiled

   Beau walked in at that time.

"Let's get going. Everything is set and the car is waiting." Beau told us

   I just took hold of my suitcase and followed Beau and Amala put of the room. He led us to the sedan that awaited us. We got in and spend off to the first part of our plan. Just you wait Adonis, I am coming to take your mafia by storm. You dare to become my enemy, I will let you know just what I do with my foes. This is a war you won't survive even though you think that you've won the battle.


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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2022 ⏰

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