Chapter 7 - Aldora

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I have been putting finishing touches to my plan.

Today is the day. It's been a week since, that talk Amala and I had. I observed her subtly for a week, I knew that she was not lying now.

Even though she may have been a grade A bitch, she is still my baby sister. One that I have to protect at all costs, especially from abusive idiots who think that women belong on their knees.

After putting the final touches to my makeup, we were ready. I knew Joseph was going to have a car secretly trail us. With a monster like him for a "father figure", you need to be as alert as you can be.

What that idiot doesn't know is that out of the four men that will be trailing us, two are mine who will kill his men on the way and keep giving fake updates to him.

What? I think four steps ahead.

Putting on the final touches to my attire, I was finally ready to go. I grabbed a couple guns and two knives and stuffed it in my bag. I'll give them to Amala later.

I got a call from Beau telling me that everything is ready and set.

I met up with Amala in the living room where the rest of my "family was". Yeah, I do not consider them my family.

"Don't you dare pull anything off..." Joseph started

I yawned

"Oh, you were saying something? It's just that I don't listen to fuckers." I said innocently

"Now, listen here, you..."

"Give your mindless instructions and empty threats to someone who cares. If you value your life then get the fuck out of my way, so I can take Amala to meet her future husband." I cut him off, daring him to say another word

"Let's go sis." Amala intervened

"Yeah, sure." I smiled

We left. We took the Mercedes Benz and were on our way. I looked in the rear view mirror to see a car following us.

I tapped my earbud.

"Do it." I simply said

I heard a muffled sound of something slicing through skin and a sickening crack of bone, indicating that my father's men were dead.

"Done, your majesty." I got a curt reply

"Be aware and make sure that there's no one else following." I instructed

"There's a car on our trail. It doesn't seem like one of your father's cars." Steve informed

"Get rid of it." I said

"There's another car A, it's not your father's either." Beau said

"Both of you, two shots, one aim." I instructed

"Sis, what's going on?" Amala asked worried

"You just focus on driving. I'll take care of the rest." I said

Just as I said that, there were two explosions heard and Joseph's car came out of the smoke. We got rid of the others.

Suddenly, two cars rammed into us. Huh? I spoke too soon. I looked in the rear view mirror, Beau was still not close enough to take care of these.

"Keep the car as steady as you can, understood?" I said

I didn't wait for a reply and climbed in the backseat. I got the gun out of my purse and a knife out of my boots.

I rolled down a window at the backseat and shot at the car's tires making the driver lose control and the car spiral out and hit a pole. As Beau passed the car, Steve shot the gas tank of the car, making it explode.

We repeated it with the other car with a little difficulties. I had to shoot down the two idiots in the backseat because they started firing at us but in the end they went up in smoke.

There were no more cars following us except for Beau and Steve. We got to our first destination, we parked the car leaving it there and got in a different car with a fake plate.

The four of us left, and took a different route. I removed my wig and threw it out of the half opened window and then closed it again.

The windows were painted black making it impossible to see inside.

"Sis, when did you dye your hair black?" Amala asked

"It's naturally black. Joseph didn't like it, he got my hair dyed blonde when I was 5. I started using a blonde wig once I turned 8." I said twirling strands my hair in my fingers.

"It suits you much better, but why didn't he like it black?" Amala asked

"Before mum married Joseph, she was with someone else. Her family didn't know, she got pregnant with that guy's child meaning me. She was only two weeks along when she was married off to Joseph against her wishes, she tried to pass me off as his child but as you can see, I barely look anything like him. When I was born Joseph was surprised to see a black haired and silver eyed baby when neither of them had such features. Mum told him that I must have gotten it from my one of my Nana's. Joseph believed her but he didn't like the fact that I looked nothing like his kid should so, he got my hair dyed blonde when I was four." I said sighing a little

"So, you're like my half-sister?" Amala asked

"Yea." I nodded

"Do you know who your father is?" Amala asked

"I do. We're going to his place." I told her

"I guess, I can't ask where it is?" Amala gave me questioning look

"Unless you want to get married to Eliot Gray." I answered

"Alright then." Amala nodded and started doing god knows what in her phone.

Her phone?



I snatched her phone and threw it out of the window. Now, everything is okay. I rolled up windows and found Amala gaping at me like a fish.

"Why would you do that?" Amala asked bewildered

"Your phone has a tracker in it. As soon as Joseph finds out about the explosions and our great escape. He will try to track down your phone." I informed

"What about your phone?" Amala questioned

"My phone which has the tracker is sitting in my room at Joseph's place. This phone is the phone I use to talk to Beau, for other important reasons and when I sneak out at night. It doesn't have a tracker." I said

"Your sister is quite a person. She is going to need a lot of training to survive." Steve chuckled

"Why are you interrupting our conversation and what the hell are you laughing at?" Amala said looking at Steve

"I can speak when I want cause A is a very good friend of mine and you, I'm laughing at you. I can't wait to see you get trained and the image in my head is quite hilarious." Steve grinned

Beau and I chuckled. Yea, the image is quite hilarious. My sister hates even breaking a nail of hers and where I'm taking her, she is going to be breaking her bones in training.

It's going to be fun to watch the girl who hates getting dirt on her clothes, jumping and getting dirty from head to toe in training.

So?? Thoughts?? I wanna know hat you thought of the chapter so far!?!

I hope you like it!

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