Chapter 6 - Aldora

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   "What happened? What did you do?" I asked

"This was the distraction." Beau shrugged

"A bloodbath?" I asked bewildered

   "I got some of our uselessly alive prisoners and had them attack. Quite a few of your dad's men died and all the idiots I got died as well." Beau informed

"Those are the only people that died, right?" I inquired

  "Yes. No innocent got even so much as a scratch." Beau said

"Alright then." I nodded

  "Your dad was looking for someone to marry you off to, wasn't he?" Beau said furrowing his brows

"He even found an idiot." I grumbled

  "Who?" Beau asked

"The motherfucker we are going to meet today." I said nonchalantly

  "Ian Rodriguez? Is he insane or what?" Beau said in disbelief

"Not like I was going to go through with the wedding in the first place." I smirked

   "So great escape?" Beau asked smiling

"Great escape." I confirmed smiling

  "This is going to be fun." Beau smiled

Yea, it was going to be loads fun. I have to find a way to get rid of The Italian Mafia for one though. They are becoming a pain in ass.

  We arrived at the club we were supposed to meet Ian at. I looked up at the sign, Opal Eye Club. I rolled my eyes. I removed my mask making sure that my hair hid my face and changed into a different mask. This was a black mask with jewelled border and the word Queen embroidered in it with gold strings. It's one of my favourite masks.

   Adjusting my hair one last time, we went in. Clubs aren't really my place. Sweaty body's dirty dancing with each other and getting drunk out of your mind isn't my kind of scene but it's an ok place for doing deals. The VIP lounges I mean.

   We got through the crowd, pushing people away. A waitress came up to us when we reached the VIP lounges.

  "Do you have a booking?" She asked

"Yes, under the name Rodriguez." Beau answered

   "Right this way sir." She said showing us the way

   My men had met me here at the entrance. Now, they were spread out somewhere around here, if we needed them then they would be close by I suppose.

We went in the lounge the waitress showed us. She left soon after Beau thanked her and gave her a tip. Ian was sitting there with girls in his arms and a few of his men scattered around the room. 10 men and 4 girls. I quickly scanned the room, only one exit which also happens to be the entrance.

  Huh? Sweet place.

"Please take a seat. Boss is waiting for you." One of the men said

   Beau nodded. We went and took a seat in front of Ian Rodriguez. He was still busy with his girls.

  "Ahem." Beau cleared his throat

"Oh. You guys are here already." Ian said as if he never saw us enter

  "We are here for buisness. So, let's get to it." Beau replied

"What's the rush? Who is this beauty you have with you? Likes to be quiet, huh? Good, that's how women are supposed to be, quiet. Speaking only when spoken to." Ian said nodding in my direction

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