Chapter 3 - Adonis

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      Last few days have been the hardest. For me, my sister and our mafia, our family. My soon to be brother-in-law is dead.

   It all seems like my fault. I shouldn't have agreed to let him go in as a spy. I should have fought harder then maybe my soon to be brother-in-law would be here and my sister would still have her fiancé would still be here.

    Today is his funeral. He was an amazing lover for my sister. This affected her the most. The Royal Mafia. They just started something that will end in their blood. I promise.

    Hey! Didn't notice you. Sorry, it's just a really sad and gloomy day for all of us. A really good friend and brother of mine, I lost. My sister lost her best friend, her lover and the love of her life, her fiancé... And our mafia lost one of it's best men and tracker.

    We had a fight on this. I was not ready to let him go o. This was a sucide mission and I still let him go on it. I'll never forgive myself for it but I will avenge him. I will kill the Don of The Royal Mafia. I will give him the most painful death of all, slow and torturous.
     Don't worry Jeremy, your death won't be in vain, I'll be sure to kill the Don of the Mafia in the worst and most painful and torturous ways. I promised myself.

   The funeral began. One by one everyone spoke, my mum and dad, Jeremy's mum and dad, his brother and finally it was my sister's turn.

   "My love, I do not know what to say. I do not understand either. It seemed like yesterday you were here in my arms, laughing and we were planning our wedding and now you are gone. So many plans we made, so many wishes, no longer could be fulfilled. It's been hard and it might continue to be but soon, I will learn to live again and smile for you might not want me to cry. I don't wish to make you feel disheartened and upset by seeing my tears and not being able to wipe them. I love you, Jeremy and I shall continue to love you till my last breath." My sister, Aria said through tears

     Once my sister was done, she rushed off the podium, not wanting anyone to see her crying. I did not speak at Jeremy's funeral. I did not know what I can say. I just put a bracelet in his casket before they lowered it and hoped that wherever he was, may he always be happy.

  The casket was lowered in ground and the ground filled up and cemented. We went around talking to everyone, they were offering their condolences.

    We were approached by Joseph and his family. Our two families have never been on best terms, neither were our mafia. I felt he was here to mock us.

   "We're extremely sorry about what happened to Jeremy." Joseph said offering me a small hug

   He seemed genuine and that shocked me. I was glad that he didn't come here to mock me. Joseph, his wife, his son and his youngest daughter left to talk to other members of my family. They left their oldest daughter with me.

   "I know I'm supposed to be saying I'm sorry for your loss and all that shit but I won't because quite frankly I'm not sorry that this happened to your soon to be brother-in-law." She said rolling her eyes

    "The least you could do is be respectful." I glowered

  "Why should I be respectful to stupid and their stupid decisions?" She retorted

    This woman is getting on my nerves. She lacks basic manners.

   "No matter what you should pay respects to the dead." I growled

"I would, if their death was not due to stupid decisions. So, tell me, why did you let your sister's fiancé go into the base of The Royal Mafia when you knew there was basically no chance he would come out alive?" She said facing me

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